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Fig. 2 Design and characterization of rGO-Na anode.

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1 Fig. 2 Design and characterization of rGO-Na anode.
Design and characterization of rGO-Na anode. (A to C) SEM images with corresponding inset photographs of GO foam (A), rGO foam reduced by molten Na (B), and rGO-Na anode surface (C). (D) FTIR of GO foam and rGO foam. a.u., arbitrary units. XPS spectra of O1s (E) and C1s (F) of GO foam and rGO foam. (G) XRD of rGO and rGO-Na anode. (H) Cyclic voltammograms of Na+ plating/stripping in a rGO-Na or Na/CPE/stainless steel cell with a sweep speed of 0.5 V s−1. (I) Fast discharge/charge profiles of quasi–solid state Na-CO2 batteries in Ar atmosphere using rGO-Na and pure Na anodes. Rate, 0.3 mA cm−2; voltage range, 1 to 4 V. Inset: SEM images of rGO-Na and pure Na anode surfaces after 450 cycles. Xiaofei Hu et al. Sci Adv 2017;3:e Copyright © 2017, The Authors

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