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Live/Dead-stained fluorescence microscopy images of in vitro PEG tube surface biofilms grown in chemostats at pH 6.0 (A), pH 5.0 (B), pH 4.0 (C), and pH.

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Presentation on theme: "Live/Dead-stained fluorescence microscopy images of in vitro PEG tube surface biofilms grown in chemostats at pH 6.0 (A), pH 5.0 (B), pH 4.0 (C), and pH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Live/Dead-stained fluorescence microscopy images of in vitro PEG tube surface biofilms grown in chemostats at pH 6.0 (A), pH 5.0 (B), pH 4.0 (C), and pH 3.0 (D). Live/Dead-stained fluorescence microscopy images of in vitro PEG tube surface biofilms grown in chemostats at pH 6.0 (A), pH 5.0 (B), pH 4.0 (C), and pH 3.0 (D). Note that as the pH decreases, the yeast cell mass and pseudohyphal growth increase. Frequently, bacterial cells surrounding these filamentous fungi were stained red, indicating cell death, while nearby microbial community members not in contact with the pseudohyphae appeared healthy (green). (Reprinted from reference 153.)‏ Brian M. Peters et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2012; doi: /CMR

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