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to the Y5 parents’ information meeting

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1 to the Y5 parents’ information meeting
Welcome to the Y5 parents’ information meeting High expectations!

2 Year 5 Team Mrs Sanders – 5C (Year Group Leader) Mr Wake – 5B Miss Grant – 5W

3 The year five team: You – the parents Tuesdays RE teachers:
Mr Wake – 5B Mrs Sanders – 5C (Year Group Leader) Miss Grant – 5W Mrs Lees – Inclusion Teaching Assistants Mrs Morris Mrs Skinner Mrs Griffin Mrs Cox Tuesdays RE teachers: Mrs Griffin, Mrs Dean Music Teacher: Mrs Hackett PE teachers(Progressive Sports): Mr Randall, Mr Ali, Mr Hillard, Mrs Williams, Mr Clay and Mr Wiltshire Wednesdays Mr Clay You – the parents

4 Communication: We use the Partnership book daily and it is an expectation that the children bring this between home and school. Please come in and see us if you have any concerns or questions We will continue to use texts, Class Dojo stories, newsletters & other letters All important information is also published on the school website

5 Attendance School starts at 8.50 – try not to arrive before 8.40am. If you are late, please go to the office to sign your child in. School ends at 3.10 – Please ensure your child knows the arrangements for them to leave school. Absence - If your child is ill – leave a phone message each day to explain. Term Time Holidays – send a written request to HT – 99% are unauthorised. Significant unauthorised absence can result in fines. Attendance is monitored and parents are written to if attendance is low. The Education Welfare Officer can become involved at the request of the school.

6 PE timetable: Indoor PE is on Tuesday and Outdoor PE is on Wednesday.
Kits must be in school at all times. Two separate bags is easier for the children. Outdoor Games takes place in almost all weather! Suitable kit – tracksuits/gloves/hats and OLD trainers. Please ensure ALL KIT IS NAMED, fits your child and that have a bag to put muddy shoes in! You are welcome to take kits home to wash over the weekend! Swimming – please make sure your child has their Kit in school on a Friday. (5B need to be in by 8:40)

7 Homework: Year 5 is all about encouraging children’s independence in their learning and their life skills. Maths and English Homework will be set on a Thursday and is due back on a Tuesday. Doodle Maths and Times Tables Rockstars – Maths programs to be used online regularly. Please read with your child at least 3 times a week and sign in the HASP book – this is monitored regularly and children are rewarded.

8 Accelerated Reader An exciting tool to motivate, monitor and support reading. Personalised targets Online quizzes to measure understanding

9 Supporting and challenging your child
During the year a range of intervention groups run to maximise children’s progress in reading, writing and maths – these are run by teachers. Your child will receive a letter if they are in an intervention. Parents evenings October and March We look forward to seeing you!

10 Year 5 curriculum Topics:
Exciting skills based curriculum, linking subjects to create fun and challenging learning opportunities. Terms 1 – Roald Dahl (Roald Dahl Day 13th September) Term 2 – Anglo Saxons Term 3 – Space Term 4 – Space Term 5 –Inventions Term 6 – Rainforests There will be some opportunities for you to come in to view the children’s work.

11 Y5 class assemblies – 2:30 – 3:00 5B – 6th December 2019
5C – 18th October 2019 5W – TBC

12 Expectations: Behaviour Work Appearance

13 High Expectations for the classroom
• Be kind and thoughtful towards everyone. • Concentrate and always do your best. • Listen carefully and follow instructions straight away. • Respect all property in school. • Behave sensibly at all times. • Look smart and be proud of yourself.

14 High Expectations for playtime
Play fairly and include others in your games. Play safe and sensible games. Be polite and helpful towards everyone. Behave sensibly and show good manners. Look after playground equipment and the school environment. Walk when inside the school building. No bullying.

15 Rewards: Individual rewards – Dojos Class rewards Year group
Reward playtimes for those who achieve reading and tables targets.

16 Rewards:

17 School Uniform Our school is proud of its tradition with uniform and we ask for parents’ support to maintain high standards. No Jeggings, leggings or skinny jeans! NO FASHION items or make-up – including nail varnish. No jewellery other than a single plain stud in each ear. These should be taken out for PE/games. Shoes should be black and school style – children should be able to run safely in them.

18 Visits and visitors: As part of our space topic, we hope to visit We The Curious (previously known

19 Help! Help in school – we need readers, trip helpers, people to do cooking, or to play games with children and any other offers of skills and support! We don’t mind how often! We welcome visitors – if you know of anyone who could share their skills or speak to the children about an interest, let us know! Please see your class teacher – all offers gratefully received!

20 Any questions? We very much look forward to this year, and hope that you and your child will be able to look back upon it with a proud smile and lots of happy memories! You are welcome to come to the classrooms and meet the Y5 team.

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