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Suggestion on your presentation of the TT&C subsystem

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Presentation on theme: "Suggestion on your presentation of the TT&C subsystem"— Presentation transcript:

1 Suggestion on your presentation of the TT&C subsystem

2 [Sat Name] TT&C Requirements
What are the requirements? What data to be transmitted?

3 [Sat Name] TT&C Specifications
Specify the distance, contact time, scenario, power, frequency, modulation, data rate, protocol, bit error rate, link margin and so on

4 [Sat Name] Link Budget Tabulate link budget analyses for both uplink and downlink

5 [Sat Name] TT&C Design Data format and arrangement
Interface with C&DH and other subsystems

6 [Sat Name] TT&C Design TT&C block diagram, circuit and test results
Antenna, depolyment

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