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Presented by the 1st grade teachers

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by the 1st grade teachers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by the 1st grade teachers
Welcome to First Grade!!!!! Presented by the 1st grade teachers

2 Introducing the 1st grade team
Mrs. Gill Mrs. Floyd Mr. Leonard Mrs. Babineau Miss Gomez

3 Parent Communication Newsletters Blue folders sent home on Mondays
School Wires website Conferences Voice Mail

4 Falmouth Behavior Expectations
Falmouth Falcons will: Respect themselves, other people, and property Follow all directions and rules Keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves

5 Falmouth’s Fabulous PTO
Support our students Support our teachers Events: Bingo Night, Literacy Night, STEM Night, and Family Breakfast

6 Report Cards and Interims
Both interims and report cards are sent home four times a year Parents will need to meet with their child’s teacher prior to receiving the first report card in October Report cards are standards based

7 Stafford County’s Grading Policy
“4” means performs above grade level expectations “3+” means almost performing above grade level expectations “3” means meets grade level expectations “2+” means almost meeting grade level expectations “2” means the student is working towards grade level expectations. “1” means performing below grade level standards. Child is in danger of retention. Your child’s teacher will schedule a meeting to discuss possible strategies.

8 What does a “3” or a “3+” look like?

9 What does a “2+” or a “2” look like?

10 What does a “4” look like?

11 What does a “1” look like?

12 Phonics Instruction Whole group instruction on same concept
Students assigned to flexible groups for differentiation Students will complete activities during the week to help them practice their words

13 Writing Instruction Daily Journal Ideas Sentence Fluency Organization
Word Choice Voice Conventions Presentation

14 Stepping Stones Math Spiral Curriculum
Focus on understanding the math rather than just “doing math.” Many games for review and practice Uses many manipulatives Small group work

15 Science Units Experiments Force and Motion Night and Day Matter
Animals Plants Natural Resources

16 Social Studies Units Citizenship American Symbols Famous Americans
Past, Present and Future Maps and Globes Economics

17 Field Trips All field trip chaperones must be fingerprinted in advance of the field trip. This is a Stafford County Public Schools policy. We will be visiting the Children’s Museum of Richmond/Fredericksburg sometime in the Fall. We will be going to farm in the Spring. Dates will be determined at a later time.

18 Birthdays -If you plan to send in cupcakes for your child’s birthday, please let the teacher know several days in advance. Please ensure that any cupcakes are store-bought and are mini-cupcakes. Any cupcakes provided CANNOT have been manufactured in a nut-processing facility. -Birthday invitations may only be sent if you are sending in an invitation for ALL students.

19 Joining Us for Lunch You are more than welcome to join your child for lunch. There is no designated space for parents, so you will need to sit with the classroom.

20 Thanks so much for watching!
Your child’s teacher will have more information for you!

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