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Summary of the aortic valve procedures performed in the initial BAV group (A) and the initial SAV group (B), by order of reinterventions (first on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of the aortic valve procedures performed in the initial BAV group (A) and the initial SAV group (B), by order of reinterventions (first on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of the aortic valve procedures performed in the initial BAV group (A) and the initial SAV group (B), by order of reinterventions (first on the left, second below and middle and third to the right). Summary of the aortic valve procedures performed in the initial BAV group (A) and the initial SAV group (B), by order of reinterventions (first on the left, second below and middle and third to the right). Numerical values represent time from the previous procedure in days (median if >3 similar reinterventions, each separate value if three or less). Colour coding follows each index procedure (blue for initial BAV, red for initial SAV, green for reintervention BAV, orange for reintervention SAV and light purple for AVR). *There is one patient with a fourth reintervention, an AVR at 202 days following a BAV. AVR, aortic valve replacement; BAV, balloon aortic valvoplasty; SAV, surgical aortic valvotomy. Dan Mihai Dorobantu et al. Open Heart 2019;6:e000938 ©2019 by British Cardiovascular Society

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