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Alban City School Year 4.

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1 Alban City School Year 4

2 Year 4 Literacy

3 Reading Guided reading and individual reading takes place at school in Year 4. Please make sure that your child brings a reading book to school everyday.

4 Handwriting Children will continue with weekly handwriting sessions, but will also be expected to use joins in all writing at school. Pupils will always use a handwriting pen when writing in their literacy books.

5 Spelling Spelling will be taught multiple times per week during Year 4. When marking spellings, we tick correct letters, then rewrite the word, leaving spaces to correct mistakes.

6 Editing work Children will spend time editing their own and others work. They will use our marking scheme to do this.(Tickled pink and green for growth)

7 Speakers Corner Speaker’s Corner will continue in Year 4, as it was a great success in Year 3. The Children have each chosen a date within the year for their Speaker’s Corner. They are expected to prepare a 5-10 minute talk for the class on a topic of their choosing. They may use props, ICT or other visual aids to assist with their presentation.

8 Year 4 Maths

9 Addition and Subtraction
The children will revisit the expanded vertical method for addition and subtraction from Year 3 and move onto more compact methods during Year 4.

10 Multiplication Grid method
This written strategy is introduced for the multiplication of TU x U to begin with. It may require column addition methods to calculate the total. This will then progress onto HTU x U.

11 Division The children will revisit ‘chunking’ on a number line, before moving onto vertical chunking, which prepares them for long division later on in the year.

12 Physical and Emotional Health Place and Time Science and Technology
Year 4 Overview Faith and Belief Physical and Emotional Health Place and Time Science and Technology Citizenship and Ethics Art and Creativity

13 Autumn Spring Summer The Romans Light and Sound Ancient Egypt

14 Myth & report writing, chronology, invasion, rebellion, Romans in St
Myth & report writing, chronology, invasion, rebellion, Romans in St. Albans, Roman food & cooking, Roman mosaics, Roman technology, deities & festivals, Roman Numerals.

15 Circuit making, how sound travels, story settings, poetry, persuasive writing, journey pictures, moving pictures.

16 Story writing, explanations, Egyptian dance, chronology, research, hieroglyphs, the river Nile, mummies, deities, Egyptian music.

17 Times Tables test Year 4 children will be sitting a times tables test in June The test will be taken as an on-line check of their multiplication knowledge up to x12.

18 Homework Children will be set homework on a two weekly cycle. Every two weeks, on a Thursday, they will be set two pieces of homework. The expectation is that the homework is completed within those two weeks and handed back in on the Wednesday. Times tables and spellings.

19 P.E. There is an outdoor sports area available for P.E. lessons each week. This will be used for P.E. lessons in all weather, so pupils will need black tracksuit trousers to wear during colder weather, and trainers rather than plimsolls. Our PE lessons sometimes happen straight before/after break.

20 Thank you

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