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The Early Help Assessment Journey

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1 The Early Help Assessment Journey
The Early Help Assessment Journey. (part1) How to Complete and Register an Early Help Assessment Support for OUR Early Help Partner Agencies. ©Manchester City Council

2 The Early Help Assessment Journey
The needs of the young person must remain central to all planning 2 Strength based conversation 3 Level of need and response 4 E.H.A completion and registration 5 Team around the child/family meetings 1 Presenting Issue Exploring presenting issues via a Strength based conversation is the start of a journey. Having assessed the level of need professionals should undertake and register an E.H.A where appropriate A journey undertaken by you, in partnership with young people and families Regular Team Around the Child meetings monitor the journey

3 Consent / Agreement to engage in an E. H
Consent / Agreement to engage in an E.H.A It is important that families understand exactly what they are agreeing to. This must include any adult with parenting responsibility and where age appropriate, young people, themselves. The Agreement I am happy to participate in an early help assessment. I understand that the information I give will be used to help me plan things. I understand that my information will be stored safely as per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you would like more information about how your information is processed please ask your Practitioner or see our website at (click on link) I understand my information will be used to evaluate how successful and effective early help is at both local and national level. (All names or personal identifying information will be removed). I understand that where there is an immediate risk of harm, the practitioner will follow the MSCB safeguarding reporting procedures. (Extract from an Early Help Assessment Form 2019)

4 Key Stages towards a good E.H.A
The Level of Need guides your Response Undertaking a Strength Based Conversation Does an EHA already exist? The Revised Threshold of Needs are defined as five levels. Level 1: Universal Services Level 2: Family may benefit from being signposted to one other agency. Level 3: Given a number of areas of need, coordination is required via an E.H.A. Level 4 The family have a number of areas of complex need more intensive support is required via an E.H.A and Request for Services from an E.H Hub. Level 5: Child at risk complete and submit safeguarding referral. You can check this with you District Early Help Hub North Early Help Hub Tel No Central Early Help Hub Tel No South Early Help Hub Tel No If YES - You will be given details of a Lead Professional to contact to support the child/YP/family A two way conversation Identify What's Working Well/ the strengths in each of the five areas of life: Identify what is the most important issue for that person. Gain clear informed consent to share relevant information with other agencies who may be able to offer support Remember to gain the views/voice of the subject young person and possibly other siblings and where relevant family members.

5 Young people and the Strength Based conversations.
Any strength based conversation with young people (under the age of 18) and potential resulting in an Early Help Assessment should be undertaken with the parents/carers consent. The outcome of this conversation is more commonly known as obtaining “the voice of the child” and is shared with the parent, unless doing so would potentially place the young person at risk or harm. If so please consult your Safeguarding guidance. Manchester City Council provide a range of resources to support practitioners in undertaking a Strength Based Conversation with young people of various ages. For further information on these resources and other aspects of the Early Help Journey please visit our web page Early Help Practitioner Zone, (click on link):

6 Messages to professionals, from young people across the country.

7 Engaging young people and obtaining their views/voice
There are a number of resources designed to support workers in obtaining the voice/views of young people Details on the use of these and a range of additional resources can be accessed via the Early Help Practitioner Zone web page:

8 The Early Help Assessment Journey
The Early Help Assessment Journey. (part1) How to Complete and Register an Early Help Assessment Support for OUR Early Help Partner Agencies. ©Manchester City Council

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