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What Jurors Think of #MeToo:

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Presentation on theme: "What Jurors Think of #MeToo:"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Jurors Think of #MeToo:
A Snapshot October, 2018 Dan Gallipeau, Ph.D.

2 What is your opinion of the #MeToo movement?
Men Women 10/18 MT

3 How closely do you follow public information on the #MeToo movement?
10/18 MT

4 Have you discussed the #MeToo movement
with family or friends? Yes, often 9% I avoid discussing it 41% Yes, on occasion 47% No 41% 10/18 MT

5 Do you think the #MeToo movement has exaggerated how big a problem sexual harassment remains
in the workplace? Yes 15% Don’t know 30% Don’t know 42% No 43% No 55% Men Women 10/18 MT

6 that needs to be stopped.
The recent terminations of famous men for sexual harassment suggests there is a serious problem that needs to be stopped. 10/18 MT

7 Too many women are jumping on the bandwagon accusing men of sexual misconduct for things that are not serious. Men Women 10/18 MT

8 It is unfair for women to raise sexual misconduct allegations against men for their behavior many years ago. 10/18 MT

9 Employees often do not report sexual harassment by a supervisor for fear of retaliation.
Men Women 10/18 MT

10 The #MeToo movement has helped give victims the courage to speak up about sexual misconduct.
10/18 MT

11 Management is likely to treat a sexual harassment complaint against a successful supervisor less seriously than a complaint against an unsuccessful supervisor. 10/18 MT

12 The #MeToo movement has put companies on notice that they have much more of a sexual harassment problem than they might have thought. 10/18 MT

13 Has your opinion toward how well companies generally handle sexual harassment complaints changed as a result of what you have heard regarding #MeToo? Yes, I have more negative opinion of companies No, my opinion has not changed Yes, I now have a more positive opinion of companies Men Women 75% 9% 62% 26% 12% 10/18 MT

14 The quality of their human resource employee training?
As a result of the #MeToo movement, should companies be more focused on: Yes 94% Yes 97% Yes 84% No 6% No 3% No 16% The quality of their human resource employee training? The depth of the human resource investigation of any sexual harassment complaint? Increasing the level of punishment on any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment? 10/18 MT

15 If a company becomes aware of a #MeToo posting from an employee, it should treat this as a notice to the company to immediately investigate. 10/18 MT

16 Male supervisors should not touch their female subordinates for any reason.
10/18 MT

17 Even a long-term employee should be terminated if he has engaged in any form of sexual harassment.
Men Women 10/18 MT

18 Many men will be unjustly punished as a result of the emotional reactions created by the #MeToo movement. 10/18 MT

19 Has your opinion regarding how widespread a problem sexual harassment in the workplace is changed because of #MeToo? Yes, much more widespread than I believed 22% Yes, much more widespread than I believed 51% No, about as common as I already believed 78% No, about as common as I already believed 78% Women under 40 Women 40 or older 10/18 MT

20 The workplace is becoming too politically correct.
Women under Women 40 or older 10/18 MT

21 that are not that serious.
Too many women are jumping on the bandwagon accusing men of sexual misconduct for things that are not that serious. Women under Women 40 or older 10/18 MT

22 There is a growing trend in this country of reverse discrimination, that is, discrimination against white people. Women under Women 40 or older 10/18 MT

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