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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!!

2 Let’s Praise All welcome 7.30pm for 8.00pm Sunday 20th October
(Contemporary Worship) All welcome 7.30pm for 8.00pm Sunday 20th October @ Stanton Methodist Church Further details from Susan or


4 Study looking at the book of Romans @Uttoxeter Methodist Church 7.30pm
Monday 21st October Men’s Group Study looking at the book of Romans @Uttoxeter Methodist Church 7.30pm Further details from Steve on

5 Next Baby Buddies - Tuesday October 22nd Next Baby Buddies -Tuesday February 19th


7 Afternoon Tea and cakes Wednesday 23rd October
Draycott Methodist Church 2.30pm to 4.00pm

8 Jesus was recognised by them
when he broke bread Luke 24:35

9 Bible Festival With Rev’d Paul Smith @ Littleover Methodist Church
Tuesday 22nd to Thursday 24th October 8.00pm to 9.30pm Approximate cost £20 per person Please book with Susan Laws or

10 Circuit Leadership Team Meeting @Winshill Methodist Church 10.00am
Wednesday 23rd October Circuit Leadership Team Meeting @Winshill Methodist Church 10.00am

11 Thursday 24th October Farming Life Centre Social Group
Boylestone Methodist Church DE6 5AA 2.00pm to 4.00pm Sudbury Prison with Richard Papworth For more details ring Rachel ( ) or Or Rev’d Stella Mills on

12 Welcome to Worship

13 @Winshill Methodist Church
Julian Meeting @Winshill Methodist Church Thursday 31st October 7.00pm Further details from Susan on or

14 United Reformed Church, Carter Street Uttoxeter Theme – TBC
Messy Church Friday 1st November 4.00pm – 6.00pm United Reformed Church, Carter Street Uttoxeter Theme – TBC Come and join us for activities, fun and a hot meal

15 Welcome to Church!

16 @Winshill Methodist Church
Messy Church Saturday 2nd November 10.30am to 12noon @Winshill Methodist Church


18 @Etwall Methodist Church
Messy Church Saturday 2nd November 10.30am to 12noon @Etwall Methodist Church

19 Pray for the Our President and Vice President of Conference
New President Barbara Glasson & Vice President Clive Marsh


21 Tools for Self Reliance Tool Sale & Coffee in Aid of Charity
Saturday 2nd November 10.00am onwards @ Barton Methodist Church


23 Uttoxeter Methodist Church @2.30pm Tuesday 5th November
Ladies Fellowship Uttoxeter Methodist Church @2.30pm Tuesday 5th November All are welcome (First Tuesday in the month)


25 Ecumenical One Fellowship Winshill Methodist Church
Tuesday 5th November 2.30pm

26 Grant me a voice for justice, Lord, and the courage to use it.
A personal prayer Grant me a voice for justice, Lord, and the courage to use it. May it be persistent and heard above the clamour of the world, not for my own sake, Lord, but for those whose voices are drowned out, and those whose courage falters in the face of life’s unfairness. Amen

27 (Stanton Methodist Church)
Monthly Fellowship Held at 22 Appleby Glade (Stanton Methodist Church) Tuesday 5th November 7.30pm

28 Welcome to worship!

29 George Street, Burton DE14 1DP
Langans Thursday 7th November 10.00am to George Street, Burton DE14 1DP For further details *(and checking location) please see Mike Redshaw

30 @Short Street Methodist Church
Messy Church Friday 8th November 4.30pm to 5.30pm @Short Street Methodist Church

31 @Barton Methodist Church
Messy Church Sunday 10th November 4.00pm to 5.30pm @Barton Methodist Church


33 @30 Lightwood Road, Yoxall 2.30pm
Monday 11th November Woodmill Bible Study @30 Lightwood Road, Yoxall 2.30pm Please contact Alan or Sheila on


35 Followed by Tea and cake @Draycott Methodist Church
‘Rainbow Service’ (Meditative Service) Wednesday 13th November Remembrance 2.00pm to 2.30pm Followed by Tea and cake @Draycott Methodist Church

36 Local Preachers and Worship Leaders Meeting @Draycott Methodist Church
Wednesday 13th November Local Preachers and Worship Leaders Meeting @Draycott Methodist Church 7.30pm


38 @Hilton Methodist Church
Ladies Group Wednesday 20th November 7.30pm @Hilton Methodist Church (And every 3rd Wednesday)


40 @Boylestone Methodist Church
Stepaside Thursday 21st November 10.30am @Boylestone Methodist Church Time to stepaside and for conversation and reflection with coffee and cake

41 Welcome to church!

42 Uttoxeter Methodist Church Led by Revd Dr Jason Phillips
Mary did you know? Saturday 7th December am to 4.15pm Uttoxeter Methodist Church A day to reflect upon Mary - the God-Bearer - as we prepare for Christmas Led by Revd Dr Jason Phillips Free Entry but booking essential. Contact Caroline on or

43 Welcome to Church!

44 @ Draycott Methodist Church
Circuit Meeting Wednesday 19th February 7.30pm @ Draycott Methodist Church

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