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Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment

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1 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
Europe “Age of REASON”

2 What is the Sci. Revolution?
New mindset; new view of nature It validated: Use of reason Search for verifiable evidence Development of ways to confirm or disprove hypotheses Importance of math to study nature

3 Causes Religious authority questioned Renaissance humanism
Need for measurement and observation: Example: How much weight can a ship hold? Printing press spreads ideas rapidly

4 How does this compare to Medieval cosmology?
Medieval understanding of natural world = non-mechanical, geocentric worldview Belief that the earth was center of the universe Religious doctrine blended with study of nature (Faith-based reasoning)

5 The Four Humors Blood Melancholy (Black bile) Choler (Yellow bile)
Phlegm If any of the humors are out of balance, you get sick Bleeding, Cupping: cut the veins and drain blood to restore proper balance between the four humors

6 Science can be systematic, verifiable, progressive, and useful
Overall Significance Shapes modern mentality that all knowledge can be based on: Observation Experimentation Rational deduction Science can be systematic, verifiable, progressive, and useful

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