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Molecular model of the Helicobacter pylori PldA1 dimer.

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Presentation on theme: "Molecular model of the Helicobacter pylori PldA1 dimer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Molecular model of the Helicobacter pylori PldA1 dimer.
Molecular model of the Helicobacter pylori PldA1 dimer. (A) The model based on E. coli OMPLA (PDB ID 1QD6), shown as a pink and green cartoon. The inhibitor hexadecanoylsulphoic acid is shown as sticks at the dimer interface, and the Ser-His-Gln catalytic triad is shown as sticks and labeled. The Ca2+ ion that enhances activity by influencing active-site electrostatics is shown as a blue sphere, with its coordinating main-chain carbonyl ions drawn as sticks. (B) Increased magnification image of the binding pocket lined with hydrophobic residues at the dimer interface. Colors are as for panel A, but with all residues drawn as sticks and with a semitransparent molecular surface to highlight the large pocket that can accommodate diverse lipid tails. Marietta Flores-Díaz et al. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 2016; doi: /MMBR

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