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National Biodiversity Offsets Conference Canberra 26th Aug 2019

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Presentation on theme: "National Biodiversity Offsets Conference Canberra 26th Aug 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1  The challenge of no net loss: a framework for evaluating biodiversity offset policies
National Biodiversity Offsets Conference Canberra 26th Aug 2019 Ascelin Gordon, Isaac Peterson ICON Science School of Global, Urban and Social Studies RMIT University, Melbourne @ascelin

2 Biodiversity value Time

3 Development occurs Biodiversity value bi t1 Time

4 Development occurs Biodiversity value bi t1 t2 Time

5 bi t1 t2 t1 t2 Biodiversity value Time Time Development occurs
Offset implemented Biodiversity value bi bo Counterfactaul 1 t1 t2 t1 t2 Time Time

6 bi t1 t2 t1 t2 Biodiversity value Time Time Development occurs
Offset implemented Biodiversity value bi bo Counterfactual 2 t1 t2 t1 t2 Time Time

7 bi t1 t2 t1 t2 Offsets: objective of achieving
no-net-loss (or better) of biodiversity How to measure gains is critical Development occurs Offset implemented Biodiversity value bi bo Future 2 Counterfactual 3 t1 t2 t1 t2 Time Time

8 bi t1 t2 t1 t2 Offsets: objective of achieving
no-net-loss (or better) of biodiversity How to measure gains is critical Restoration gain Development occurs Avoided condition decline Biodiversity value bi bo Future 2 t1 t2 t1 t2 Time Time Avoided clearing

9 bi t1 t2 t1 t2 Offsets: objective of achieving
no-net-loss (or better) of biodiversity How to measure gains is critical Restoration gain Development occurs Avoided condition decline Prioritizes Low condition areas Biodiversity value bi bo High condition areas Future 2 Areas with high risk of clearing (also high condition) t1 t2 t1 t2 Time Time Avoided clearing

10 Important considerations for calculating impact
To determine whether NNL is achieved, we need Net impact of both interventions to be ≥ 0 i.e. <negative impact of development> + <positive impact of offset> ≥ 0 Be explicit about time horizons Requires the impact of the development be commensurate with the impact calculated for offset (else adding 🍏+🍊’s!) Thus need a consistent set of assumptions in calculating both impacts, which also means consistent assumptions underpinning counterfactuals

11 Scales of evaluation The scale of what is being evaluated is very important. The next few slides illustrate the different possible scale. Assume each square is a parcel of land that can either be developed or offset

12 Scales of evaluation 1. Site: Individual development/offset pair
Site scale meaning evaluating a single development offset pair for NNL

13 Scales of evaluation 1. Site: Individual development/offset pair
Site scale meaning evaluating a single development offset pair for NNL

14 Scales of evaluation 2. Program: All developments/offsets
Program scale meaning the longer term sequence of development offset pairs or all development offset combinations under the policy

15 Scales of evaluation 2. Program: All developments/offsets

16 Scales of evaluation 3. Landscape: Whole area where policy is applied
Here include both all areas impacted, all areas where offset activities occur as well as everything in between. So can include biodiversity values not impacted by the offsetting or development Useful for understanding the impact that an offset policy has on broader trajectories of biodiversity. Factors being directly impacted, or contribution of a policy to wider ecological objectives?

17 `Offsetsim’ Developed as an R package
Open source, available on github: Allows you to simulate: ecological dynamics development different kinds of offset policies evaluate their performance

18 Example simulation 2500 parcels
Each assigned initial ecological condition, declines through time Logistic curve to model improvement from management as offset Loop (50 years, 250 developments) Parcel developed Calculated development impact Determine offset impact requirements Implement offset

19 Site scale results Restoration + avoided condition decline
Offset must accrue gains In 30 years biodiversity value Fig 1a and Firg 1b time time

20 Site scale results Restoration + avoided condition decline
Offset must accrue gains In 15 years biodiversity value Fig 1a and Firg 1b time time

21 Program and landscape scales
Restoration gains Offset must accrue gains In 30 years biodiversity value Fig 1a and Firg 1b time time

22 Program and landscape scales
Restoration gains Offset must accrue gains In 30 years biodiversity value Fig 1a and Firg 1b time time

23 Program and landscape scales
Restoration gains Offset must accrue gains In 15 years biodiversity value Fig 1a and Firg 1b time time

24 Case study: Cumberland Plain
Western Sydney Strategic Sustainability Plan Future tends in extent and condition of native vegetation, focus on Cumberland Plain Woodland Ecological community Model development within the Priority Growth areas and a range of offset scenarios Expert-elicited model of ecological condition change under do nothing and management as an offset (Vegetation Integrity Score)


26 What does all this mean for offsetting
In real world, offsets often determined through a process of negotiation. Can use these approaches to evaluate what has or could happened under different policies. Some policies require estimation of counterfactuals. Estimating counterfactuals are tricky and fraught with uncertainty; however, we need them to determine impact, as outcome can be meaningless. The scale we evaluate at is important.

27 Thank you Acknowledgments @ascelin
Sarah Bekessy, Atte Moilanen Cumberland Plain Woodland Photo: Greg Steenbeeke

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