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Evidence for Evolution

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2 Evidence for Evolution 2019-2020

3 Major Evidence for Evolution
Fossil record ✔ Morphology ✔ Homologous structures Analogous structures Vestigial structures Embryological development Biochemical evidence--DNA

4 1. Fossil Record What does the Fossil Record tell us about organisms? Looks (size, shape, etc.) Where or how they lived? What other organisms they lived at that time?

5 ✔ What time period they lived in (based on location in rock layers)
What order living things came in (based on location in rock layers) Transitional forms Organisms that were intermediate (between) two other major organisms

6 Major Evidence for Evolution
Fossil record ✔ Morphology ✔ Homologous structures Analogous structures Vestigial structures Embryological development Biochemical evidence--DNA

7 Located in New York, New York

8 Major Evidence for Evolution
Fossil record ✔ Morphology ✔ Homologous structures Analogous structures Vestigial structures Embryological development Biochemical evidence--DNA

9 3. Homologous Structures
Homologous Structures are bodily structures, in organisms that share a common ancestor, that are similar in structure, but different in function.

10 Focus on Human Arm


12 Homologous Structures


14 Major Evidence for Evolution
Fossil record ✔ Morphology ✔ Homologous structures ✔ Vestigial structures Analogous structures Embryological development Biochemical evidence--DNA

15 4. Vestigial Structures Vestigial structures are structures that serve no function in the present organism, BUT were useful structures in earlier ancestors human ear muscles human tailbone human appendix

16 Features present in modern animals that are no longer in use
Features present in modern animals that are no longer in use. Vestigial structures give hints as to the evolution of organisms. Can include neurological pathways, structures and organs. whale pelvis tailbone appendix


18 What evidence do we have that organisms change over time?
Vestigial Parts



21 Vestigial Organs Login Instructions

22 Major Evidence for Evolution
Fossil record ✔ Morphology ✔ Homologous structures ✔ Vestigial structures✔ Analogous structures Embryological development Biochemical evidence--DNA

5. Analogous Structures Analogous structures are bodily structures that are similar in function, but not in structure. NOT EVIDENCE OF COMMON ANCESTRY Example: The wings of a bee and wings of a bird didn’t evolve from a common ancestor even though they are both used for flight.



26 Major Evidence for Evolution
Fossil record ✔ Morphology ✔ Homologous structures ✔ Vestigial structures✔ Analogous structures ✔ Embryological development Biochemical evidence--DNA

27 6. Embryological Development
Embryo- fertilized egg that will/is in the process of growing into a new individual Closely related organisms go through similar developmental stages early in development All vertebrates have gill pouches sometime during their early development

28 Major Evidence for Evolution
Fossil record ✔ Morphology ✔ Homologous structures ✔ Vestigial structures✔ Analogous structures ✔ Embryological development ✔ Biochemical evidence--DNA

29 7. DNA/Biochemical Evidence
DNA contains the instructions needed for an organism to develop, survive and reproduce. To carry out these functions, DNA sequences must be converted into messages that can be used to produce proteins. Proteins are the complex molecules that do most of the work in our bodies.

30 DNA EVIDENCE The DNA that is used to translate nucleotide sequences into proteins (amino acids) is essentially the same in all organisms. Proteins in all organisms are composed of the same set of 20 amino acids arranged in various sequences. Powerful argument in favor of the common descent of the most diverse organisms.

31 DNA/Biochemical Evidence
Cytochrome C An ancient protein common to all aerobic (oxygen breathing) organisms and is found in the mitochondria. It is used in studying evolutionary relationships because most animals have this protein. Cytochrome C is made of 104 amino acids joined together to make an “amino acid sequence”. Organisms closely related have very similar cytochrome c amino acid sequences. The more distantly related the organisms are, the greater the difference in the cytochrome c sequence

32 Major Evidence for Evolution
Fossil record ✔ ✔ Morphology ✔ Homologous structures ✔ Vestigial structures✔ Analogous structures ✔ Embryological development ✔ Biochemical evidence—DNA ✔

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