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JPNC modified comments for cl.24.2 and 21.10x

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1 JPNC modified comments for cl.24.2 and 21.10x
61(Shanghai/JPNC)23 October 2019 JPNC modified comments for cl.24.2 and 21.10x Related documents: 61/5866/DC (Part 2-2), 61/5909/INF 61/5868/DC (Part 2-8), 61/5907/INF 61/5871/DC (Part 2-23), 61/5904/INF 61/5872/DC (Part 2-52), 61/5903/INF 61/5881/CD (Part 2-115), 61/5926/CC

2 (61/5909/INF for 61/5866/DC (IEC 60335-2-2))
JP comments (61/5909/INF for 61/5866/DC (IEC )) JP NC prepared this green paper to modify the following comment.

3 1, History of change in 24.2 of Part 1
2, Confirmation in TC61 Bled Meeting 3, JP modified comments

4 1, History of change in 24.2 of Part 1

5 IEC 60335-1:2016 (Edition 5.2) added “power supplies” in flexible cords

6 Question from China in Chairman’s report in IEC/TC61 Kista Meeting in 2014
JP’s understands: This is a hairdryer operated with AC power. The questioner described that this is a power supply for an ion generator but the details were unknown. However, obviously, it was not a detachable power supply part. Response from TC61: Change the standard to add “power supplies” in 24.2

7 CA comment in 61/4813A/INF (For results on 61/4765A/DC in Tokyo Meeting in Oct. in 2014)
JP understand: CA comments to clarify excluding detachable power supply parts was just noted as editorial one. (It is interpreted that TC 61 accepted excluding detachable power supply parts) DE and JP comments in 61/4936A/RVC (For results on 61/4859/CDV in Washington Meeting in 2015) 61/4813A/INF (61/4765A/DCに対する、TC61東京会議(2014年11月)の審議結果)におけるカナダ意見 JP understand: These comments to clarify excluding detachable power supply parts were considered unnecessary as editorial one. (It is interpreted that excluding detachable power supply parts was too obvious, so it was not necessary to specify in written.) Detachable power supply parts was not considered as “power supplies in flexible cords”, by studying the history in

8 2, Confirmation in TC61 Bled Meeting

9 In IEC/TC61 Bled Meeting, JP’s confirmation
on 2 types of detachable power supply parts JP comment in 61/5834A/CC on 61/5788/CD (Part 2-115) JP confirmed: If detachable power supply parts are connected with non-detachable AC power supply cord, they are considered as power supplies in flexible cords with detachable AC power supply cord, they are Not considered as power supplies in flexible cords

10 3, JP modified comments

11 Summary of JP modified comments
1, Background in 24.2 of Part 1’s ed.5.2 - Detachable power supply parts was not considered as “power supplies in flexible cords”, by studying the history in - In the TC61 Bled Meeting, JP confirmed that: If detachable power supply parts are connected with detachable power supply cord, they are not considered as power supplies in flexible cords. - Ed.5.2 was published in 2016, and in a few countries (ex. AU/NZ, Gulf countries) this version of national standards is now already mandatorily applicable. 2, Our concern (See page 12 and 13) In 24.2, if detachable power supply parts are considered as “power supplies”, Part 1 of the national standards lead to suddenly prohibit them absolutely (unconditionally) until in future 21.10x of Part 2s will allow them with specified mechanical strength. 3, Our proposal (See page 14 and 15) Separate the below two issues for 24.2 and 21.10x to prevent this sudden absolute prohibition, - In 24.2 of the existing Part 1, it should be interpreted that detachable power supply parts with detachable power supply cords are not considered as “power supplies”. - In 21.10x of Part 2s, as a new separate activity, discussion should start so that Part 2s specifies that detachable power supply parts have enough mechanical strength.

12 The latest Austrian/New Zealand’s Standard
In AU and NZ, the relevant version of the national standard harmonized with IEC-Part 1 ed.5.2 is already mandatory. AS/NZS :2011+A1+A2+A3+A4+A5 AS/NZS A4 is harmonized with IEC Ed.5.2 The version was mandatorily applicable on 30 June 2019.

13 Problem by considering national standards
‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19 ‘20 ‘21 ‘22 ‘23 ‘24 ‘25 ‘26 IEC cl.24.2 in Part 1 cl.21.10x in Part 2s Mandatory national standards Ed.5.2 Ed.6.0 (expected) Ed.6.1 Add “power supplies” in flexible cords Include detachable power supply part Require detachable power supply part the mechanical strength Now, Ed.5.2 is mandatorily applicable in AU/NZ and GCC Prohibit detachable power supply part absolutely (unconditionally) Allow detachable power supply part with mechanical strength

14 Schedule based on JP modified proposal
‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19 ‘20 ‘21 ‘22 ‘23 ‘24 ‘25 ‘26 IEC cl.24.2 in Part 1 cl.21.10x in Part 2s Mandatory national standards Ed.5.2 Ed.6.0 (expected) Ed.6.1 Add “power supplies” in flexible cords Not include detachable power supply part Require detachable power supply part the mechanical strength, as a new separate activity Now, Ed.5.2 is mandatorily applicable in AU/NZ and GCC Start to regulate detachable power supply to require enough mechanical strength

15 Our modified proposed change
1, Cl.24.2 of Part 1 (FDIS of ed. 6.0) (1) Add underlined text as follows. – switches, automatic controls, power supplies except detachable power supply parts with detachable power supply cords, and the like in flexible cords; (2) Issue Interpretation Sheet for ed. 5.2 of Part 1 to clarify that detachable power supply parts with detachable power supply cords are not considered as “power supplies in flexible cords”. 2, Cl x of Part 2s  In the proposal, replace “power supplies” with “detachable power supply part”. (taking into account the AU and NZ comments)

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