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What’s happening at the Academy?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s happening at the Academy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s happening at the Academy?

2 Speak Out There are two new ways in which you can speak out about bullying. In the student reception, you will find a ‘Speak Out’ box. You can post your comments in here. Remember, we can only tackle bullying and support those being bullied if we hear about it and have enough information. Posting anonymously can’t work. You can also your concerns to our new address

3 School Key Words Responsibility Resilience Engagement Ambition Respect
These five words represent where we see ourselves and are now linked to the A1’s you can achieve during lessons

4 Aerosols and bodysprays
A reminder that aerosols and bodysprays are banned in school. Water based sprays are fine. They cause issues for people with breathing conditions and as a result are potentially very dangerous As a reminder: Food should only be consumed in the dining room or outside Banned Items (There are a few but here are the main offenders) Chewing gum Fizzy or energy drinks Glass Bottles


6 Thursday Maths Support 3pm – 4pm
Week Date Higher Topic Foundation 1 12/09/2019 Room 37 Negative Numbers Room 34 Number Skills including Money 2 19/09/2019 Room 43 Factors Multiples Product of prime Room 35 26/09/2019 Room 41 Algebraic manipulation (inc. quadratics) Room 42 Algebraic manipulation 03/10/2019 Room 38 Angles (All) Room 36 Angle basics 10/10/2019 Room 40 Rounding and Estimation Fractions

7 Prioritise your own success!
Year 11 Intervention… You have been invited to specific sessions. Your tutor knows when and where you should go, if you forget! You can also attend Science (Wednesday) and Maths (Thursdays) Drop-ins. Prioritise your own success! Attend!

8 Prioritise your own success!
Remember … Last year the Year 11 students, that performed well in their GCSEs, understood the need to attend extra sessions and did so regularly. They understood the valid reasons to extend their normal school day. They made sensible, and personal, decisions Prioritise your own success! 4

9 Year 11 – Post 16 options All year 11 students will need to apply for their next stage of education (including apprenticeships) before Christmas. will be launched on 31st October 2019 in your PSHCE lesson, and in preparation for this there are some open days coming up. If you are not sure of what you are looking for  after GCSEs, it is worth attending open days. If you would like an appointment with Miss Martin regarding options for post 16 – ask your tutor to forward your name.

10 Open days – Further education
Wigston College: Thursday 14th November pm- 8pm Leicester College: Tuesday 8th October pm -8pm Brooksby Melton: Brooksby Site: Saturday 2nd November am-1pm Taster sessions start at 9am Loughborough College: Saturday 5th October am - 1pm

11 Rm 39 Subject Champions Subject Champions are teachers who have volunteered to give extra help to all students who are registered to Rm 39. Make the most of their expertise to get extra advice with your subjects and help with your homework. Look out for posters around school and green stars on staff lanyards

12 School Photographs A reminder that the last date for ordering school photos for year 7 and 10’s is 8th October.

13 Year 9 – Work shadowing 31st October
Have you returned you work shadowing paperwork to you tutor yet? The more encounters you have with the world of work and local employers the more likely you are to get a good job and earn more money! Deadline to return the paperwork is 11th October Any questions see Miss Davies or Miss Martin

14 Space Week October 2019 Wigston Academy 2019

15 Space Facts The sunset on mars appears blue Space is completely silent
Roughly 1 million Erath's can fit inside the Sun One day on Venus is longer than one year on Earth In Space you can grow up to 5cm taller

16 D of E meeting Tuesday 8th October
Year 9 – Meet in ICT 5 at 1.30 Year 10 – Meet in room 34 at 1.30 Don’t forget to bring your bitesize planner with the top section completed.

17 Code Club / Robotics Club
Learn to code with the help of skilled sixth formers Every Tuesday in ICT 4 3:10 – 4:10

18 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT COMPETITIONS – Get Involved, Get Published and WIN

19 DEADLINE: 11th October 2019 Can you write a poem from someone else’s perspective? It can be based on any theme that’s important to you right now. Get an entry form from mrs patel in room 30A

20 ROALD DAHL COMPETITION – Deadline 21st October 2019
Hand your story (word-processed) to Mrs Patel, in Room 30A OR, it:

21 MAGIC CLUB Monday lunchtime, room 37
Come and learn some tricks with all sorts of objects like pen , cards and coins Learn and make tricks Learn some easy sleight of hand

22 This week in PE Lots going on again this week in PE
MONDAY: All Years Netball Training TUESDAY: Year 7 Girl’s Football Training TUESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Boy’s Football Training WEDNESDAY: Year 11 Netball v Manor – Home WEDNESDAY: Yr 7 Indoor Football Training – Invite Only WEDNESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Badminton Club THURSDAY: Year 7/8/9 Football v Manor – Away THURSDAY: Year 7/8/9 Netball v Manor – Away THURSDAY: All Years Rugby Club THURSDAY: Year 10/11 Badminton Club FRIDAY: Friday Lunchtime Club FRIDAY: Year 9 Sports Leaders – Little Hill

23 Killington & New York, USA – Ski Trip 2020 – Year 9, 10, 11 & 12
Equity Killington & New York, USA – Ski Trip 2020 – Year 9, 10, 11 & 12 Dates - 14th Feb – 22nd Feb 2020 5 Days Skiing at Killington, Vermont. 2 Days in New York TWO PLACES HAVE BECOME AVAILABLE FOR THE SKI TRIP 2020. CONTACT MRS PARBERY TO COLLECT A LETTER.

24 Year 7 Girls Football There will be football trials/training for Year 7 girls on Tuesday 8th October. This will be on the astroturf and finish at 4.15pm. Meet at Site B sportshall at the end of the day. We have a 5-a-side competition very soon and then more matches later in the year, so if you want to play for the school, make sure you attend. Any questions, see Mr Dandolo

25 PE Friday Lunchtime Club Week 1 - Yr 7 & 8
This is new club for any students who have received no B1’s in PE for the 2 weeks before the Friday Club. There are 2 sports on offer………………………….. FOOTBALL – Astro (Meet at the side gate next to the PE Mobile) DODGEBALL – Site B Sportshall These clubs start at 1.30pm & YOU DO NOT need to get changed.

26 PE Friday Lunchtime Club Week 2 - Yr 9, 10 & 11
This is new club for any students who have received no B1’s in PE for the 2 weeks before the Friday Club. There are 2 sports on offer………………………….. FOOTBALL – Astro (Meet at the side gate next to the PE Mobile) DODGEBALL – Site B Sportshall These clubs start at 1.30pm & YOU DO NOT need to get changed into kit.


28 SISTER ACT 2020 A huge thankyou to all that auditioned for Sister Act, we had an amazing turnout and were spoilt for choice. The full cast list is up in the music corridor and all those that have given me their mail addresses will have received a confirmation . Scripts are available to hire, but these will need a £10.00 deposit before they are released from the premises. All those involved and have character roles will need one of these scripts. Rehearsals start on Monday and a rehearsal schedule has been sent and will be in the corridor for this month so you will know when you will be needed. Please ensure you attend ALL rehearsals that you have been called for. If you cannot make it then make sure Miss Watkiss/Mrs Partridge knows. Many thanks Performing Arts

29 Message from Mrs Chapman
All students who are on the Paris trip will need to be aware that there is a meeting on Tuesday 8th October at 6pm in Site B hall for parents/carers. At the meeting please bring passports and EHIC cards.

30 Message from Mrs. Thornhill
Year 11 GCSE Business Studies club is on Tuesdays If you have intervention, you need to attend that first. It is in room 6 with Mrs Thornhill. Year 11 GCSE Citizenship club is on Wednesdays This is running at the same time at the Citizenship intervention. In room 6 with Mrs Thornhill.

31 At Wigston Academy

32 Champions League Due to a slight technical issue the Champions League results and league tables will follow shortly. We hope that the Champions League and Treat Friday will be back up and running after half term – Thank you for your patience.

33 Have a good week

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