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AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation (FWPE) Scoring Guidance

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Presentation on theme: "AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation (FWPE) Scoring Guidance"— Presentation transcript:

1 AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation (FWPE) Scoring Guidance

2 Sara Clark, AFWC, Western Michigan University Holly Grieves, Assistant Fieldwork Coordinator, Western Michigan University Wayne Doyle, AFWC, Baker College Muskegon

3 Objectives Explain differences between OT and OTA FWPE forms (2002)
Define rating scale for the FWPE Discuss challenging items to score on the FWPE Discuss “evidence-based” FW evaluation Provide updates: new electronic FWPE

4 AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation

5 Current FWPE Versions (2002)
Booklet $ SAMPLE Electronic Modifiable PDF

6 Layout: FWPE Cover Page Directions/Scoring Items Summary Page
References/Glossary Terminology reflects OTPF

7 OT: Domain and Process Figure 3. Occupational therapy’s domain and process. Source: American Occupational Therapy Association. (2014). Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process (3rd ed.). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(Suppl.). Used with permission. Copyright © 2014, by the American Occupational Therapy Association. All rights reserved.

8 FWPE Item Comparison OT (42 items) OTA (25 items)
Fundamentals of Practice Basic Tenets Evaluation and Screening Intervention Management Communication Professional Behavior Fundamentals of Practice Basic Tenets Evaluation and Screening Intervention Communication Professional Behavior

9 What methods do you use for scoring OTA items without having an OTA at your facility?

10 FWPE Rating Scale (2002) Number Description 4 Exceed standards 3
Meets standards 2 Needs improvement 1 Unsatisfactory

11 Common Scoring Errors half scores N/A Safety item = 2 +
“Pass” final score half scores N/A addition errors

12 “Evidence Based” Scoring
FWPE Score Site Specific Objectives Week-By- Week Expectations Weekly Meeting Sheets

13 Two or More FW Educators
Tips for FWPE

14 Student Self-Assessment

15 Small Group Activity Read the case scenario.
Read the case scenario. Individually score and provide support for your scoring on each FWPE item. Work with your team to score and provide support for scoring on each FWPE item. When you’ve completed scoring the scenario as a team, request an answer key. Compare your team scores to the answer key and discuss differences in scoring.

16 Large Group Discussion FWPE Scoring Case Scenarios Summary
John Mary Sandra David OT Student OTA Student Week 6 out 12 Week 7 of 10 Week 8 of 8 Week 4 of 8 Conducting an evaluation with Mrs. Erwin who recovering from a total hip replacement. Planning and implementing basic life skills activities to at-risk youth in collaboration with an on-site supervisor and FWEd. Assist in the screening process of George, a Hispanic client with bipolar disorder under her OT FWEd’s supervision. Slowly progressing Sylvia’s function w/ self-care and homemaking through pacing and work simplification. Skill Nursing Facility School State Hospital Home Health FWPE Evaluation items FWPE Intervention Items FWPE Intervention items

17 Validation Process: new Fieldwork Performance Evaluation (FWPE)
2015: Subcommittee of the COE completed revisions of the FWPE content items after surveying stakeholders 2016 – 2018: AOTA appointed the University of Illinois at Chicago to validate the new FWPE: Phase I = Content Validity Phase II = Pilot Testing for Internal Scale Validity (electronic version will be developed for new form)

18 AOTA: New Electronic FWPE
Next Steps in 2019: AOTA to determine: electronic format/vendor – will most likely use PT CI evaluation vendor cut-off score criteria for pass/fail dissemination and training

19 AOTA FWPE Scale Comparison
Number New Current (2002) 4 Exemplary Performance Exceeds Standards 3 Proficient Meets Standards 2 Emerging Needs Improvement 1 Unsatisfactory

20 FWPE Rating Scale Descriptions Revised
Number New Label New Description 4 Exemplary Performance Demonstrates satisfactory competence is specific skills consistently; demonstrates substantial breadth and depth in understanding and/or skillful application of fundamental knowledge and skills. 3 Proficient Performance Demonstrates satisfactory competence in specific skills; demonstrates adequate understanding and/or application of fundamental knowledge and skills. 2 Emerging Performance Demonstrates limited competence in specific skills (inconsistencies may be evident); demonstrates limited understanding and/or application of fundamental knowledge and skills (displays some gaps and/or inaccuracies). 1 Unsatisfactory Performance Fails to demonstrate competence in specific skills; performs in an inappropriate manner; demonstrates inadequate understanding and/or application of fundamental knowledge and skills (displays significant gaps and/or inaccuracies).

21 Changes to FWPE: 2002 vs. 2018 Minimized overlapping/redundant items
Provided examples (separate from the item) Aligned OT and OTA versions Combined: Communication and Professional Behaviors Updated terminology: electronic documentation

22 Sample Item: New OT FWPE
Evaluation and Screening Determines the client’s occupational profile and occupational performance through interview and other appropriate evaluation methods. Occupational profile: Summary of the client’s occupational history and experiences, patterns of daily living, interests, values, and needs. Occupational performance: Act of doing and accomplishing a selected action (performance skill), activity, or occupation that results from the dynamic transaction among the client, the context, and the activity. Improving or enabling skills and patterns in occupational performance leads to engagement in occupations or activities.

23 Sample Item: New OTA FWPE
Evaluation and Screening Assists with interpreting information in relation to the client’s needs, factors, and performance. Examples: record or chart reviews, observations, interviews, standardized and non-standardized assessments


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