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WELCOME TO Aldridge Shed’s 2018 AGM

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1 WELCOME TO Aldridge Shed’s 2018 AGM

2 Chair’s Review


















20 Financial Statement

21 Income Session fees Membership fees Small donations Sub Total Grants: Walsall MBC (making connections Walsall) Asda (Bloxwich) J. Shaylor (Shaylor Construction Group) Aldridge Rotary Club Aviva (Supported/nominated by Rotary club) Manor Farm (silver scheme, Ian Davis) Lottery Fund Total

22 Expenditure Rent Utilities Materials Tools Insurance Misc/Sundries Total Monies Held Current Account balance (Allowing for all issued payments) Petty Cash

23 Financial statement Opening Balances Bank Petty Cash   Total Trading difference (all income less all outgoings) Balance Closing Balance (actual) Bank Petty Cash Balance N.B. A positive difference of £29.78 exists. This is due to unrecorded session fees/donations and equates to less than £2.50 per Month. It would be impractical to endeavour to control this due to the number of different people recording incomings during the week and isn’t a problem whilst it remains in a positive amount. Outstanding Invoices to pay: Housing 21 (2 Months) Due end of June

24 NOTES The Lottery grant (£ ) was awarded for the purchase of equipment only. Therefore this amount is ring fenced for that purpose. Leaving a day-to-day bank balance of £ plus petty cash of £ (Total £ ) This represents almost 6 months’ rent/utilities. There are 5 more M.C.W. quarterly grant payments of £ still to be invoiced/collected, 4 of these due this coming financial year totalling £ That’s approximately 1/3 of next year’s basic overheads. Last year we raised £ from membership fees, session fees and small donations. This year this figure has increased to £ representing an increase of over 25% over the previous year. This also means we were only £70 short of raising the money to cover all rent/utilities. The amount of £ spent on tools this year should be greatly reduced as all major tool purchases will be paid for from the ring fenced Lottery grant.  We are missing only one invoice this year. This being for the Christmas tree sponsorship at Aldridge Methodist church. This is despite numerous requests from Alan for them to provide an invoice/receipt.  The income/expenditure for the week commencing17th June 2017 was not recorded in the monthly minutes for either June or July These figures have been recorded in the annual accounts.

25 Proposal for annual, monthly and session fees
Annual membership to remain at £24.00 per annum Session fees to remain at £3.50 per half day, £5.00 per full day. Proposed annual fee of £400 to include all session fees and annual membership. : £400 minus £24 = £376, £376 divided by 50 weeks = £7.52 per week. Proposed monthly fee of £33.00 to include all session fees. : £33.00 Times 12 = £ plus £24.00 membership =£420.00

26 Committee Elections

27 Any Other Business

28 Thank you for coming & supporting Aldridge Shed

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