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Bring out your dead Defined Peeps More Peeps Style 100 100 100 100 100

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Presentation on theme: "Bring out your dead Defined Peeps More Peeps Style 100 100 100 100 100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bring out your dead Defined Peeps More Peeps Style 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 This is the “dark” term for the plague that struck during the Middle Ages.

3 What is the Black Death?

4 The plague started during the middle of this century.

5 What is the 14th century (1300s)?

6 These are two economic effects of the plague.

7 What is an increase in wages, a drop in food prices, or less money for the government?

8 These are two social changes that occurred due to the plague.

9 What are people fleeing the cities, serfs wanting to leave manor houses, peasants rebelling and fighting for their rights?

10 Although most thought the plague was a punishment from God, the true enemy were these little disease carrying creatures.

11 What are fleas?

12 This is the French word for “rebirth.”

13 What is “renaissance?”

14 This is the belief that human actions, ideas, and works are important.

15 What is humanism?

16 This is the term for a painting done in wet plaster on a wall.

17 What is a fresco?

18 This is the term for a person who supports an artist with money.

19 What is a patron?

20 These are 14 line poems. They became popular during the Renaissance.

21 What are sonnets?

22 “To be or not to be?” He is the best known English Renaissance author.

23 Who is William Shakespeare?

24 His Mona Lisa may have been a strange self-portrait
His Mona Lisa may have been a strange self-portrait. But his skills as an artist, inventor, architect, and scientist make him the perfect example of a “Renaissance Man.” I wonder if he could dance too.

25 Who is Leonardo da Vinci?

26 He gave practical advice to princes on how the political world actually worked. You wouldn’t want to be on his bad side.

27 Who is Niccolo Machiavelli?

28 His School of Athens and multiple Madonna paintings (not the singer) showed his interest in both religion and the classics. No wonder they named a Ninja Turtle after him.

29 Who is Raphael?

30 This monk preached against the Renaissance
This monk preached against the Renaissance. He gained political power and used harsh measures to punish the opposition. He took it too far when he started to criticize the Pope!

31 Who is Savonarola?

32 He created movable metal type and a printing press.

33 Who is Guttenberg?

34 His David and fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel are considered among the greatest hits of the Renaissance.

35 Who is Michelangelo?

36 She was a true “Renaissance Woman
She was a true “Renaissance Woman.” She had political power and supported the arts.

37 Who is Isabelle d’Este?

38 His family’s wealth helped to create the Renaissance in Florence, Italy. He held some “magnificent” parties for Plato’s birthday.

39 Who is Lorenzo de Medici?

40 This was the change in language used in writing during the Renaissance.

41 What is writing in the local language?

42 This medium was born as a result of the printing press
This medium was born as a result of the printing press. These could be printed every day. However, they may be on the way out thanks to the Internet.

43 What are newspapers?

44 This painting technique creates depth in the works.

45 What is perspective?

46 The Renaissance writer Cervantes created this comic character whose adventures of riding through Spain have entertained us for 400 years.

47 Who is Don Quixote?

48 In order to make his art more realistic Leonardo da Vinci did this to animals and humans.

49 What is dissected (cut open)?

50 Raphael, Michelangelo and da Vinci all contributed to this building in Rome. That’s some nice building!

51 What is St. Peter’s?

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