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Other Topics – Anne Miek Kremer

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1 Other Topics – Anne Miek Kremer
Task Force on GNB 14 & 15 Nov 2011 Other Topics – Anne Miek Kremer 13-Jul-07

2 Reference area Proposed action
Currently: arable land, permanent crops, permanent grassland Includes rough grazing, fallow arable land, other marginal/unfertilised areas.. How to define the reference area? How to exclude production on excluded areas? Proposed action Eurostat circulates document (problem statement) (end 2011). Results discussed in WG AEI 27/ and other appropriate fora 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

3 Livestock numbers Proposed action
Should represent average number of animals in year Proposed action Eurostat circulates document (problem statement) (beginning 2013) Results discussed in WG AEI 2013 and other appropriate fora 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

4 Other organic fertilisers
Data unavailable or partly available Proposed action Other potential data sources: European Composting Network Improve data availability Sewage Sludge Directive 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

5 Manure exports and imports
Manure export and import significant only in a few regions an countries Proposed action Check with other data sources (GHG Inventory) Check with modelling MS responsibility Regional level: modelling, MS data 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

6 Manure withdrawals and stocks
Manure processing Data very limited available, not significant Not clear of correction has been made for re-application of treated manure to agricultural soils Inventory Manure processing Activities Europe (DG ENV, 2011) 0%-29% of livestock production Growing importance Not all manure processing and treatment leads to nutrient losses Proposed action Drop change in stocks Non-agricultural use only accepted with sufficient proof 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

7 Biological Fixation Proposed action
Limited data available (secondary crops) Grasslands (pure vs mixed with legumes, effect of fertilisation and grazing) UNFCCC GHG reporting Coefficients and methodologies vary Proposed action TF experts + statisticians with project Legumes Futures (end 2013/beginning 2014). Drop free living organisms 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

8 Atmospheric deposition (1)
Data on P limited available, not significant Eurostat/OECD Nitrogen Handbook In estimation of Surplus, no deduction is made for NH3 (and NOx) emissions double-counting (Italic terms) in Surplus N-NH3 (N-NOx) from agriculture = deposited domestically (agricultural land + non-agricultural land) + exported to other countries + remaining in the air Atmospheric N deposition agricultural land = N-deposits from non-agricultural sector+ N-deposits from agriculture (produced domestically + imported) Correct total N deposits for N-deposits from domestic agriculture 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

9 Atmospheric deposition (2)
In fact no double counting, so no correction on N deposition necessary N deposition is true input to soil GNS = aGNS + hGNS N emissions are true part of surplus Proposed action Drop P deposition Change handbook guideline: no correction to N deposition Use EMEP data: total N deposition/total land area * reference area 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

10 Seeds and planting materials
Data limited available, not very significant Proposed action a) Drop b) Improve Few crops with high contributions (e.g. potatoes) Establish default nutrient values MS: seeding rates 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

11 Crop residuals returned to soil
Available from GHG Inventory Crop residuals burned do not have to be estimated Proposed action Include at input side Establish default values (research project) 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

12 Crop production + by-products
Crop data available at NUTS0 and partly at NUTS2 Crop coefficients lacking/outdated. Comparability Proposed action Grants crop coefficients Review with other MS data and other studies, inputs Can include estimation of by-products and coefficients of by-products TF 2012/2013 regional crop production data TF 2012/2013 by-products + default values 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

13 Discussion points I Do you agree to drop from the balance estimations?
Change in manure stocks Biological fixation by free living organisms Atmospheric P deposition Seed and planting material Do you agree to include in the balance estimations? Crop residuals returned to soil Total N deposition (no correction) N emissions 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

14 Discussion points II How can the reference area be identified?
Is it necessary to collect data on industrial waste and other organic products, or can it be considered negligible? Do you agree with modelling transports of manure to verify MS data? Should data on manure treatment and processing be collected? How? Do you agree to use EMEP data for N depostion? Are data on crop residuals incl coefficients sufficient available? Are data on crop production sufficiently available at regional level? Do you agree with the proposed actions? 13-Jul-07 Name of the presentation

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