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Quick Write: Have you ever been accused of something you did not do? What happened? How did it make you feel?

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Write: Have you ever been accused of something you did not do? What happened? How did it make you feel?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Write: Have you ever been accused of something you did not do? What happened? How did it make you feel?

2 McCarthyism & Communism in America
The Red Scare McCarthyism & Communism in America

3 Communism in the USA The American Communist Party Political Platform
Believed in fighting extensive poverty, racial injustice & abuse of workers by corporations Strongest during the Great Depression Attracted workers, intellectuals, artists & college students (Labor Unions)

4 View of Communism Changes
Stalin terrorizes enemies & tighten internal security Interest in Communism sharply declines

5 House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Established in 1938 WWII Soviet Union is now an ally Concerns of Communism are put on hold Cold War Espionage activity by Stalin increases HUAC hearings begin again

6 The Witch Hunts Federal Employee Loyalty Program
3000 servicemen forced to resign 212 fired government employees Played on fear of atomic bomb Duck and Cover

7 Ways to be suspected of disloyalty:
Criticize American foreign policy Advocate equal rights for women Own books on Socialism Attend foreign films Have former associations with radicals Belong to a group classified as “Dangerous”

8 The Red Hunt Expands Propaganda that encourages citizens to spy on each other He Must Be a Communist Are you a commie, or a citizen? Private citizens organize watch dog groups Vigilantes, self-appointed seekers of justice, often use illegal measures Blacklisting becomes acceptable and encouraged

9 McCarran Act 1950 Required Communist Organizations to register with the government. Makes it illegal to engage in activities that would create a Communist government

10 McCarthyism bYvxM

11 Joseph McCarthy United State senator from Wisconsin February 9th 1950
Announces he has a list of 205 communists working in the State Department

12 McCarthyism in Action Used intimidation and often false accusations in the name of fighting communism Never produces any credible evidence and story changes Still manages to ruin reputations of public officials

13 McCarthyism in the Army
McCarthy claims there is a Communist conspiracy in the armed forces (military) in 1954 The Army was ready, and McCarthy was humiliated

14 McCarthy vs. Murrow McCarthy is challenged by Edward R. Murrow of CBS’s See It Now March 1954 ~ Murrow airs a special TV program criticizing McCarthy This program contributes to a nationwide backlash against McCarthy “Good night and good luck”

15 http://www. youtube. com/watch
Murrow and McCarthy interview

16 McCarthy’s Downfall McCarthy claims against the armed forces are proven wrong McCarthy’s reputation is ruined McCarthy dies by 1957 from over drinking

17 End of the Red Scare? HUAC loses influence after McCarthy falls.
McCarran Act declared unconstitutional in 1993 Anti-Communist tensions still existed

18 Exit Ticket How does your experience relate to those being accused during the Red Scare?

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