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Ethics in Research.

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1 Ethics in Research

2 What are Ethical Issues?
An Ethical issue is A CLASH! The CLASH is between the Needs of researchers and the rights of participants Middlemist, Knowles and Matter (1976) Read and write down what is wrong ethically with this study.

3 Speed learn! 5 key ethical issues Valid consent Deception
Risk of harm (Stress, anxiety, humiliation or pain) Confidentiality Privacy Re-read the Middlemist study on the previous page. Which of these ethical issues does it raise?

Cut out the boxes and put them in the right place Issue How to deal with it Limitations Valid consent Participants are asked to formally agree to take part in a study (usually with a consent form) after being given comprehensive information about the nature and purpose of the study, and their role in it. Deception Risk of harm Studies should be designed so that participants come to no more harm than they would do in their day to day lives. Confidentiality Researchers should use fake names or numbers instead of participant names. Privacy There is no universal agreement on what a public place is. Some people may still object to being observed in public.

Cut out the boxes and put them in the right place Issue How to deal with it Limitations Valid consent Participants are asked to formally agree to take part in a study (usually with a consent form) after being given comprehensive information about the nature and purpose of the study, and their role in it. If participants are given too much information, it may invalidate the results of the study. Participants may agree to take part in the study, but still not completely understand what they have let themselves in for. Deception If participants are deceived, they should be fully debriefed after the study. This is a short interview after where participants are told the full aims of the study and are given the opportunity to ask questions If a participant has suffered stress or anxiety during a study due to deception, a debrief may not undo the damage which has already been done

Cut out the boxes and put them in the right place Issue How to deal with it Limitations Risk of harm Studies should be designed so that participants come to no more harm than they would do in their day to day lives. Researchers cannot always predict any potential harm that may occur until it happens, by which point it is too late. Confidentiality Researchers should use fake names or numbers instead of participant names. Sometimes it may be possible to work out who participants were on the basis of information contained in the study (geographical location for example Privacy Gain prior consent for observations where appropriate. Observations in public places are generally ok. However retrospective consent should be sought There is no universal agreement on what a public place is. Some people may still object to being observed in public.

7 Ethics Can you think of a mnemonic to help you remember these 5 issues? (VDRCP) TASK A. Read the following study, and describe any ethical issues you can see. [8] B. How could you overcome these ethical issues, and what problems could this cause? [4]

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