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We exist to mobilize and multiply disciple-making churches.

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2 We exist to mobilize and multiply disciple-making churches.
As a family of churches, it is crucial that we clearly define the mission to which God has called us. Mission answers the question, “What does God want us to accomplish?” Seeking to accomplish our mission will drive us to achieve our purpose of bringing glory to God. It is our deep desire that we join our missionary God in what He is already doing in the world, recognizing that He is sending us together with many others.

3 We envision a movement of global-minded churches that are reproducing healthy disciples, leaders, and congregations. We see the convention as a servant to the churches. In other words, we exist to serve the churches and not the other way around. We see the local church as central to the plan of God. Our role is to help “mobilize and multiply” churches that are carrying out their mission “to make disciples.”

4 We believe church multiplication should be at the core of our energies and also at the heart of every congregation’s efforts and passion. We want to facilitate a movement of multiplying English- language disciple-making churches in strategic locations. Multiplying churches

5 2019 Church starts in Vicenza, Italy & Bonn, Germany Feasibility Study in Strasbourg, France Church Planter Assessment Center, Naples, Italy Multiplying churches

6 Leland Stephens & Chris Hendrix GLACE Community Church Vicenza, italy
In our transitory context, many members of the military are suffering from an identity crisis. Their identity is in their rank, position, or financial security, rather than in Christ. God has placed GLACE Community Church here to gather the saved, lost, and unchurched; equip them with the life transforming message of the Gospel; and then send them out as missionaries to the next duty station better equipped to live for the Glory of God, by the Grace of God...a true Gospel sending station! Leland Stephens & Chris Hendrix GLACE Community Church Vicenza, italy

7 strengthening churches
We believe God wants every church to be healthy, moving toward faithfulness and effectiveness. We want to encourage and strengthen healthy churches to continue on their path. We wish to help churches desiring to take needed steps toward improved health and growth. We desire to provide appropriate, loving, and creative support and motivation to churches that are weak, unhealthy, or ineffective. strengthening churches

8 strengthening churches
ReFresh is a process of refocusing the mission of the church, identifying its core values, discovering God’s fresh vision for the church, and building a game plan for living out that vision. 3 church involved in ReFresh strengthening churches

9 Nathanael Fawcett, pastor, Calvary IBC, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Working through the Refresh process has sharpened our focus, channeled our resources, and directed our energies toward meeting the vision God has given our part of His body. Our unity has increased as each member of our community realizes that they have a part to play in God’s plan for His Church. Nathanael Fawcett, pastor, Calvary IBC, Sao Paulo, Brazil

10 We believe healthy, effective pastors and other leaders build healthy, effective churches. We want to produce spiritually mature, self-aware leaders who are competent in their skills, confident in their abilities, and humble in their relationships with God and other people. Empowering leaders

11 2019 3 CORE Groups including one in Latin America and a women’s group Global Church for a Global World, Dubai Mentoring in Biblical Leadership (training lay members for leadership) B.H. Carroll Institute (seminary training in a local setting) Empowering leaders

12 Rebecca van den brink, north sea Baptist church, Stavanger, Norway
“Know yourself to lead yourself” is a key phrase for all who participate in a CORE group, and this short phrase is greatly impacting my life. As much as I thought I had a relatively good self- awareness, I never realized how a clearer understanding of myself would enhance me in leading and discipling others and bringing out their potential. Rebecca van den brink, north sea Baptist church, Stavanger, Norway

13 We believe deeper relationships are essential for effective kingdom work. We desire to connect IBC pastors and churches with one another. We will also seek to facilitate partnerships between IBC churches and with other Great Commission groups to accomplish God’s global mission. Building connections

14 Building connections 2019 Men’s, Women’s, and Youth Conferences
Missions Project in Turkey – Young Adult Camp IBC Aid to assist IBC Rotterdam with their project to help Rwanda genocide victims Building connections

15 Richmond OFORI, Hope International Rotterdam, Netherlands
Missions is not a solo work as most of the good things that have transformed human livelihood are the results of partnership. With help from IBC AID, Hope Int. Bible & Mission Church bought land in Butare, Rwanda, to help 53 surviving parents of the Rwanda genocide grow food to support themselves and send their children to school to discover their God-given potentials. Richmond OFORI, Hope International Rotterdam, Netherlands

16 We believe developing resources — financial, people, and training— helps churches and leaders to be effective in their ministry context. We want to become a knowledge broker and resource coach. We wish to assist churches to train members toward good stewardship in order to become financially stable and generous. We desire to assist churches and pastors to understand and appreciate the value of cooperating financially with the IBC so that we can more effectively live out our mission, vision, and values. Developing resources

17 Developing resources 2019 New IBC Video
56/65 Churches using Right Now Media Social Media Strategy Webinar Increased Social Media presence IBC Residency Program: 2 residents Developing resources

18 I think it is a great training opportunity, especially for our resident. I believe he could be a very effective minister, but is not going to come into ministry in a traditional way. I think this a great opportunity for the church and for Him. Nick Howard, Immanuel Baptist, Wiesbaden, Germany on what excites him about the IBC residency program

19 partnership One of the core values of the IBC is partnership. We value the partnership that we have with each IBC church. We depend on you to support the work we are doing as a family of churches. It is through your giving that we are able to fund the work of Mobilizing and Multiplying Disciple-Making Churches.

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