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Leadership 2018 June 20, 2018 Fallsmead.

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1 Leadership 2018 June 20, 2018 Fallsmead

2 Team Builder Cards with E,W,N, S color coded available in 4 corners of room. Sandy will make cards and Posters

3 What do you think the difference is between a Group and a Team?
Group vs. Team “Four people in an elevator do not make a team- unless they are stuck and work together to escape.” What do you think the difference is between a Group and a Team? Talk at table, share out some ideas-5-10 minutes

4 Group vs. Team Group- a collective of mutually independent individuals with separate goals who are brought together by common interests and experience. Even though everyone shares information and resources with other group members, each member is responsible for their own work Team- an interdependent group of individuals who share responsibility and are focused on a common goal. People in a team have a mutual understanding with other members. By working together, they tend to maximize each other’s strengths and minimize weaknesses. Unlike a group, where each member is expected to contribute separately, the most important characteristic of a team is synergy: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Why is this relevant/important?

5 Team Reflections Challenges
1 What helped your team be an effective team? 2 3 New Ideas to take to your team. Personalities/Compass Points - needs of various members of the team Departmentalized Team: having the opportunity to work with the other department; also finding the time to meet as a whole team Separate pods: logistical challenge of meeting and problem solving on the spot When new teammate joins, team may not “onboard” that member effectively Different needs without resolution of how to meet various needs Leave meeting with professional decision and not take dissent personally When you have complementary skills on the team Clear identified outcomes Knowing what we are going to do Agreement on goals and processes Made time for one another -consideration of others Establish group norms Culture of respect Knowing each other - personal connection and interest Strong collaborative planning Flexibility FUN! FOOD - esp Marsha’s blondies Fill out first two columns on stickies, share out, type into columns

6 Characteristics of an Effective Team
Common purpose and shared values Mutually accountable and self-directed Recognize, develop and utilize their complementary skills to achieve team goals Committed to continuous improvement Support each other in the work Share and learn together TRUST

7 Characteristics of a PLC
Shared mission, vision and values Collective inquiry Action Orientation Continuous Improvement for Students and Staff Results Orientation Collaborative Teams

8 Stages of Team Development
Forming Storming Performing Norming

9 Stages of Team Development
Forming: As the team leader what can you do to begin to help your team form? (ingredients for team development handout) Storming: How would you know that your team has entered the storming stage and what would you do? Were there some preventative strategies that could have prevented this? Norming: How will you know that you have entered the norming stage and what did you do to reach that milestone? (Review Team Development Ingredients) Performing: How long do you think it will take you to reach this stage?

10 Effective Team Meetings
Review Planning an Effective Meeting Highlight the components that were standard practices for your team this year Star any components that you want to be sure to incorporate with your team next year Share and discuss (Is there anything not listed that you feel should be?)

11 Article 1: Strong Teams, Strong Schools
First, Read your article-highlight what is important to you as a leader. Next, find others who have same article and form a discussion group. Discuss Then, create new groups with at least one member who has read each article. Articles-Jigsaw Article 1: Strong Teams, Strong Schools Article 2: Listen Carefully Article 3: Norms

12 Go back to slide 5 - Team Reflection Chart - and complete Column 3 as a table group


14 Plus/Delta PLUS: On time New people Good conversation New admin (AP) - exciting

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