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Bell Ringer Monday Sept. 30, 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Monday Sept. 30, 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Monday Sept. 30, 2019 Copy your agenda note Place your personal narrative essay on your desk excluding the essay, pack up to go to the 6th grade computer lab

2 Independent Study An independent study is instruction in which YOU work on a specified topic by yourself. Only ask Ms. Stewart or Mrs. Osakwe a question when there is something you do not understand. The next few slides will be an independent study.

3 Continue to the next slide

4 What Are Myths? You will need to open your note book to the writing section. arch?q=what+is+myths+video&qp vt=what+is+myths+video&view=d etail&mid=59B64B4F E374 F59B64B4F E374F&&FOR M=VRDGAR Today, you will view your lessons by watching and listening to three videos.


6 Click to see your second video 7th Grade Myth Gallery Museum

7 Click to see your third video
As you watch the video, use the Cornell Note taking Strategy, to record ALL of the information about each Greek god and goddess below. Zeus 7. Artemis Hera 8. Hephaestus Poseidon 9. Aphrodite Athena 10. Dionysus Ares 11. Demeter Apollo 12. Hermes 13. Hades earch?q=myths+for+middle+sch ool+children+videos&&view=det ail&mid=EC5FC091EB181F7E331 2EC5FC091EB181F7E3312&&FO RM=VRDGAR

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