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Environmental Insurance

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Insurance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Insurance
A Tool for Successful Redevelopment Thomas J. Barry Senior Vice President Massachusetts Business Development Corporation

2 Contaminated Property Transactions
We’ve got issues! Toxic Torts Loan Defaults Legacy Liabilities Regulatory Re-Openers Property Devaluation Cleanup Cost Overruns Unproductive Assets Disposal Site Risk Downtime Remedy Failure Value Proposition

3 Contaminated Property Transactions
The Good News... Existing Infrastructure Permitting/Zoning Cost Advantages “Location-Location-Location” Limited “Green Space”

4 Platform for Consensus
Divergent Views Common Goals Communities Regulators Lenders Environmental Insurance Buyers Developers Sellers

5 Risk Mitigation Tools Contractual Tools Reps. & Warranties
Indemnification's Financial Guarantees Liability “Buyouts” Performance Guarantees

6 More Risk Mitigation Tools
Regulatory Tools Comfort Letters Prospective Purchaser Agmts. Covenants Regulatory Sign-off’s (NFA’s) MOA’s Statutory protections

7 Still More Tools... Financial Tools: Escrow Arrangements Holdbacks
L/C’s Trust Funds Guar.Fixed-Price Contracts Environmental Insurance

8 Environmental Insurance
Working Definition: A vehicle for transferring the financial responsibility for certain risks or costs that may be present in contaminated property transactions.

9 Environmental Insurance
Brief History: Available for past 25 years Extensively used for the past 5 to 10 years Grew out of need caused by: federal “Superfund” legislation and various state environmental statutes. Exclusion of environmental risk from CGL & Title Insurance policies. Increasing awareness of environmental impacts.

10 Who are the Players? Have come and Gone
Five majors now provide 85% to 90% AIG ACE XL Chubb Zurich All over $30 Billion in Assets All rated “A” or better

11 Environmental Insurance
Benefits of Environmental Insurance: Financial Certainty Broad Range of Protections Eliminates “Guesswork” Predictable Cost Can Protect Multiple Parties Extensive Capacity to Cover Risk Environmental Peer Review Flexibility

12 Environmental Insurance
A few Disadvantages: Doesn’t transfer ultimate responsibility for environmental issues. (Sarbanes-Oxley) Can be difficult to obtain Cost

13 Environmental Insurance
Disadvantages of Environmental Insurance: $$$ COST $$$ Negotiation - Deductible - Retentions Premium

14 What impacts the Price? Limits Purchased Underwriting Cost
Remedies/Science Quality of Site Characterization Regulatory Oversight Future Use Financial Strength of Insured # Parties Policy Term Property History Special Coverage’s Environmental Conditions

15 What’s Out There? About 20 separate insurance products
Pollution Liability/Real Estate Liability Contractor Liability UST Cost Cap/Stop Loss Blended Finite Risk Remediation Warranty/Remedy Assurance Secured Creditor Transportation Spill/Release policies

16 Contaminated Property Transactions
The “Big Ones” Pollution Legal Liability Cleanup Cost Cap/Blended Finite Risk Applicable to 90% of Contaminated Property Transactions

17 Primary Coverage’s Pollution Legal Liability
Third Party Claims for Bodily Injury, Prop. Damage, Cleanup, both On-Site & Off-Site Natural Resource Damages Diminution of Value Business Interruption/Loss of Use or Income Regulatory Re-Openers Transportation Non-Owned Disposal Sites Legal Defense/Expense New Environmental Conditions

18 Pollution Legal Liability
Benefits Flexibility (Highly “Manuscripted”) Transfers Env. Risk to Insurer Financially Backstops Other Tools Facilitates Loan and Investment Capital Assures Financial Performance

19 Primary Coverage’s Cleanup Cost Cap (Stop Loss)
Cost Overruns on planned cleanup Additional cleanup due to change in regulations Discovery of new contaminants or more Contamination, within a RAP area Transport & Non-owned Disposal Sites SIR applies (usually a function of cleanup estimate) Co-Insurance may be required Only for cleanups of $1MM and up

20 Cleanup Cost Cap Benefits Adds Certainty/Finality to Cost
Deals with Unexpected related issues Facilitates Loan & Investment Capital

21 What Environmental Insurance Can’t Do...
Transfer Risk in Absence of Data Cover Risk in Perpetuity Directly Eliminate Balance Sheet Liabilities Pay claims related to Known Conditions (“burning building”) Change Real Estate Market Realities Pay Costs Resulting from Voluntary Change in Use

22 What Environmental Insurance Can Do...
Transfer Financial Risk Respond to Regulatory Changes Provide Financial Assurance (Regulatory) Provide Broad Range of Protections Provide Extensive Levels of Protection Protect Multiple Parties to a Transaction Provide a “Second Look” at Environmental Issues by a party with financial interest

23 Placing an Environmental Policy
A Few Tips for Users Allow sufficient time Assemble competent “team” (Broker, Counsel, LEP) Identify & Quantify issues/risks Practice full disclosure Elaborate on the “Deal” Keep Copies of everything

24 Some Points to Remember
Aggregate Limits/Multiple Insureds Single Limit/Self-Depleting Policies “Claims Made & Reported” Policies Choice of Law Language consistent with state statutes

25 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Brownfields Redevelopment Access to Capital Program (Mass.) BRAC
Thomas J. Barry, SVP, Director Massachusetts Business Development Corporation 500 Edgewater Drive Wakefield, MA

26 (Mass.) BRAC Program Program Purpose...
to mitigate environmental risks and unexpected costs associated with the cleanup and/or redevelopment of Brownfield sites in Massachusetts, in order to facilitate the access to private sources of loan and investment capital to fund such projects.

27 Accomplishing the objective
Make state- subsidized environmental insurance available to: Parties who undertake Brownfield cleanup redevelopment projects, and to Lenders who finance any aspect of such projects.

28 Program Benefits State Subsidized 50%* of standard premium for
qualifying policies/projects reimbursed by BRAC. * Maximum $50,000 for privately sponsored projects; $150,000 for publicly or quasi-public sponsored projects.

29 Does my site qualify? Program Requirements
site must be considered a “Brownfield” must be some form of “financing” associated with some aspect of the Project

30 Program Carriers XL Environmental CHUBB ACE USA AIG Environmental

31 (Mass.) BRAC Program Results (Inception through 12/31/06)
Total Projects Total Insurance Provided $1.06 billion Total Premiums $13.8 million Subsidies Paid $5.5 million Environmental Cleanups $165 million Development Expenditures $3.15 billion Permanent Jobs Created ,131 Permanent Jobs Retained 9,362 Housing Units ,500+* * since 2004

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