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WI Division of Forestry Update

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1 WI Division of Forestry Update
LS FRA Policy Committee October 7, 2019 Duluth, Minnesota

2 Updates for today… July 19 and 20 Storm GNA WI Forest Action Plan
State Land Harvest Legislative Update Challenges/Opportunities 12/15/2019 Division of Forestry works in partnership to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forests.

3 2019 July Storm Damage Areas
Two storms – July 19th and 20th July 19th A Derecho (line of severe storms) develops between Minneapolis and Duluth 485 mile line of damage MN/WI to central lower MI Several tornados are reported in WI but mainly straight line winds from a macro burst NWS estimates 100 mph winds (With reports of 110 to 130 mph) July 20th A second Derecho develops over Central and Eastern WI Wood, Portage and the Fox Valley see heavy damage to trees and power lines The two storms produce 14 tornadoes in addition to significant paths of straight line wind damage Explain colors of ownership 12/15/2019 Division of Forestry works in partnership to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forests.

4 Bent, Flattened, Snapped
50% upland hardwoods 14% upland conifer 14% lowland hardwoods/confirs Based on WIS Landdata set 12/15/2019 Division of Forestry works in partnership to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forests.

5 Acres Impacted by Ownership
12/15/2019 Division of Forestry works in partnership to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forests.

6 GNA Sales FY19 – pulled all sales in Lake wood District all impacted by storm plus 5 no bid 12/15/2019 Division of Forestry works in partnership to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forests.

7 Engagement – Operational Partner Groups
Participate in workshops on strategies Review of Strategy drafts Participate in survey on threats and opportunities Participate in survey on Priority Landscapes/Issues Review of Assessment – completed October 1st The Forest Action Plan (FAP) is a 10-year strategic plan for Wisconsin’s forestry community. The purpose of the FAP is to provide long‐term, comprehensive, and coordinated strategies that can help the forestry community refine how they collectively invest state, federal, and leveraged partner resources to address major management and landscape priorities. On target for the timeline: December 4th Public Forum for additional input in WI Rapids More information on the process and how to get or stay engaged can be found by visiting and searching keywords “Forest Action Plan” 12/15/2019 Division of Forestry works in partnership to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forests.

8 DNR Lands -Million Forested Acres
60% of total DNR lands are forested 54% of forests are on FWP lands WI has 17 million acres of forested lands, DNR 6% 30% of WI forests are publicly owned DNR owns 20% of public

9 12/15/2019 Managed Forests 74% of ALL DNR forested lands have forest mgmt. treatment scheduled (750K) 18,000 acres of forested are managed each year 2.5% of total forested acres each year Forest mgmt. is allowed and prescribed in ALL Master Plan classifications (except 1) Exception area – Wild Resource Classification: < 10% of northern state forests

10 Act 166 – budget: complete forest inventory of all state lands, set sustainable allowable harvest, plus/minus 10%

11 FWP lands, established Timber sales FY

12 Completed Sale stats FY19
Property # of Sales Acres $ Stumpage Cd. Equiv. Avg. $/Acre State Forests 101 11,842 $8,099,810 192,585 $ 683 FWP 127 7,895 $5,360,999 134,954 $ 679 State Lands Total 228 19,737 $ 13,460,809 327,539 $ 682

13 Nothing in que at this time. In the works…DRAFTS
PHAS in fighting foam banned from training use No impact to Class A foam Ban use of Neonicotinoids on state lands Impact on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) Year of the Clean Drinking Water Potentially more legislature protecting water- not sure what this means to forestry in anything. 12/15/2019 Division of Forestry works in partnership to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forests.

14 Challenges/Opportunities
Lowest vacancy rate 50% of staff have 5 years or less experience. Forest Regeneration Monitoring 12/15/2019 Division of Forestry works in partnership to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forests.

15 Northern Hardwood Conference
WFPS Recommendation 19.1 – Topic Forester Northern Hardwood Training – recommendation Lake States Northern Hardwood management Symposium NE Region Conference WDNR sponsor $5K; looking for other sponsors. Externals part of the planning process 12/15/2019 Division of Forestry works in partnership to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forests.

16 Thank you! 12/15/2019 Division of Forestry works in partnership to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forests.

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