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Background Questions The world was theirs's for the taking…

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1 Background Questions The world was theirs's for the taking…. 1914-1918
About 1/10 (3,000,000/30,000,000) With even power, it would be hard for either side to win. Yes. The assassination of Austria-Hungary’s Archduke Ferdinand occurred between countries in the Balkan region and was the “trigger” that prompted Europe to explode into war. Alliances that Serbia and Austria-Hungary had with other countries pulled them into war.

2 Key Terms Balance of Power – when power between countries is even – weapons, army, navy, soldiers, wealth Entente – an agreement between 2 or more governments Balkans – about 10 countries located on the Balkan Peninsula Nationalism – love of your country Ethnic - relating to a person’s culture including religion, traditions, way of life Spark – a trigger event

3 Doc A European Alliances, 1914

4 European Alliances 2.Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente- Russia, France, England 3. Yes, Russia was on Germany’s Eastern Border and France was on their Western border. 4. Germany and Austria-Hungary 5. Alli Ances?


6 “The Crime of the Ages”

7 “The Crime of the Ages” 1. What is the “Crime of the Ages”? Who killed the “Peace in Europe”? 2. How can the cartoon be used to describe the chain of events that led to war? The characters in the cartoon seem to be pointing at those whom they blame. (Ex: Serbia and Austria-Hungary point to each other) Others point to Germany to place blame. 3. What does the hand in the upper left corner represent? Americas wrote this cartoon. The hand is reaching/point from the West (where the U.S. is) The citation shares that the cartoon was printed in the Chicago Tribune. America shares its anger at the war destroying peace. 4. According to the cartoon, what was the underlying cause for war? Explain. Alliances…the cartoon suggests that the characters show the alliances that formed and how they place blame on the other alliance for the death of peace.

8 Document C Source: Adapted from The London Times History of the World, edited by Richard Overy, 1999. Note: By 1914 the Entente Powers could field 2.23 million men, Germany and Austria-Hungary 1.2 million


10 Growth in Armaments Germany and Austria Hungary 1890: 42 million 1914: 150 Million GB, France and Russia (combined) 1890: 100 Million 1914: 225 million In 24 years, Germany went from 42million to 150 million (nearly 4x what they were) GB, France and Russia (combined) 100million to 225 ( 2x increase) If many countries build strong armies/navies they might not attack each other if equally match or have armies of similar size.



13 Document D December 11, 1899 Hammer vs. Anvil Chancellor von Bulow suggests that if Germany does not grow strong(army and fleet) it will become the anvil…..and not the hammer… France, Russia and England France, England and Russia are growing and gaining new colonies, resources and wealth…they are expanding. They could want our(Germany’s) lands next! Militarism? Growing armies to keep safe or expand our nations…. Alliances? We need them due to the growth of the other European Nations… Imperialism? Look at the speech detailing concerns of Germany over the expanding empires of England, France and Russia


15 Document E The British Octopus
German Cartoon….1917 Freheit de Meere: Freedom of the Seas England Der Blutsauger der Welt: England the Bloodsucker of the World German Cartoonist suggests that England is draining(sucking) the resources from Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas……what will be left for us? They will never stop… Imperialism?.....British are everywhere….. Alliances? We need protection from them…. Militarism? Do we need to build more ships?......


17 Document F Sizes of Colonial Empires 1913
Britain: 12,740,000 sq miles Population 400,000,000 Combined Triple Entente: 17,180,000 sq miles Austria-Hungary and Germany (combined) 1,139,000 sq miles Many colonies help a country to find and use more natural resources. The colonies also provide a new market for goods produced in the mother country as well as a new(larger) population to pay taxes. Imperialism? Countries are gobbling up land and resources….they will soon gobble us up…..they are getting richer….building more(including larger armies and navies)….look at how big the British Empires is….will they take us over next? Alliances?.....Do we need alliances to pool our resources for protection? Militarism? Do we need more soldiers/ships to protect ourselves?

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