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Explain the process of sequencing the plot

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1 Explain the process of sequencing the plot
Plot Understanding & sequencing: L/O – to understand and sequence important events Use the graphic organiser to plot important or significant events that happen throughout the novel. Include What happens? Which characters are involved? How do they feel? Are there any significant quotes that can be used to support the events? Justify: Why did you sequence events this way? How did you decide the importance of events? Teacher to encourage students to a timeline in their books. Use the novel and knowledge organiser to help sequence events. Plot summary document also available to print to support this. Teacher to model start – to show detailed notes expected. Use the include box to help develop detail. Teacher circulates and helps students synthesis events. Differentiation – give a basic overview of the text & get students to add the detail. Challenge – students have autonomy over what is important – Justify their decisions at the end Metacognition – explain the process of sequencing the plot – teacher and class co-create a guide to plot understanding and sequencing (top tips on board) Explain the process of sequencing the plot

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