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Writing for Social sciences

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1 Writing for Social sciences
Writing Wednesday!!! Writing for Social sciences

2 Claim and Purpose Read and annotate the article
On a separate piece of paper, write IN YOUR OWN WORDS a thesis sentence summarizing the author’s message (claim)

3 Your Thesis A thesis statement (your claim) should state a clear position of your interpretation of the information. DO NOT WRITE “In my opinion…” “I think…” “I believe…” THESE STATEMENTS ARE OBVIOUS, SINCE YOU ARE THE AUTHOR. Example: Although the fight for voting rights for women in the 19th century advocated equality, leaders of the movement failed to…

4 Claim and Purpose Read and annotate the article
On a separate piece of paper, write IN YOUR OWN WORDS a sentence summarizing the author’s message (claim) Evidence: Circle/Highlight two sentences from the article that offer the strongest support to the author’s claim.

5 Analytical Paragraph Sentence 1: Thesis—In your own words, restate the author’s claim. Sentence 2: Cite/rephrase evidence #1 Sentence 3: Comment (The significance of this is that…) Sentence 4: Cite/rephrase evidence #2 Sentence 5: Comment Sentence 6: Conclusion—So what? WHY is this an important topic?

6 Rubric: Thesis Statement Is it clear, and does it state a position? (1 points) TWO SENTENCES that cite/refer to/paraphrase/quote evidence AND identify the source. (2 points) TWO SENTENCES of commentary/analysis. (2 points) A Conclusion (1 points) Total = 6 POINTS

7 Assignment: When you finish your BEST PARAGRAPH, staple it to your annotated article and turn it in. Be sure your name is on your work!


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