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Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)

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Presentation on theme: "Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk)
Chapter 22 Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk) Evolution Chapter 15

2 Evidence for evolution
Chapter 15 Direct observation (i.e. antibiotic resistant bacteria) Homology (similarity resulting from common ancestry-structure, embryonic development, molecular similarity) Fossil record Biogeography-endemic species: only found in one place.

3 Population Genetics and Evolution
Evolution: Change in gene frequencies in a population over time Due to differential reproduction among organisms bearing different alleles Fitness of the selected allele leads to viable offspring Not "good” or “purposeful.”

4 Population Genetics and Evolution, cont.
Chapter15 Natural selection=how adaptations arise. Individuals with phenotypes that increase the chance of survival & reproduction causes changes in gene frequencies of a population Mutations: Source of new alleles

5 Rules of natural selection
Chapter 15 Individuals don’t evolve, populations do! Variation and diversity of phenotypes (and genotypes) is a pre-requisite Place based: an adaptation for one environment would not necessarily be an adaptations for another environment.

6 Selection - Sickle Cell Anemia
Chapter 15 Genotypes HH = Normal Hh = Trait hh = Sickel Cell Anemia

7 Selection - Malaria Chapter 15

8 Stabilizing Selection & Balance Polymorphism
Biology: Life on Earth (Audesirk) Stabilizing Selection & Balance Polymorphism Chapter 15 HH Hh hh Homozygous Normal Homozygous Defective Heterozygous Dies of malaria Lives and reproduces Dies of sickle-cell anemia Two or more alleles, each producing a different phenotype, may be maintained in a population by opposing environmental pressures. The alleles for normal (H) and sickle-cell (h) hemoglobin are maintained by selection against both homozygotes. Heterozygotes (Hh) reproduce the most, thereby keeping both alleles in the population. HH Hh hh Dies of malaria Lives and reproduces Dies of sickle-cell anemia HH Hh hh Chapter 15

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