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Kaija Ruotsalainen Statistics Finland

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1 Population to be enumerated – relevant registers and the updates of the source registers
Kaija Ruotsalainen Statistics Finland ESTP ”Administrative data and censuses Wiesbaden 22 – 24 May 2018 THE CONTRACTOR IS ACTING UNDER A FRAMEWORK CONTRACT CONCLUDED WITH THE COMMISSION

2 Contents Recommendation of the population base
Challenging group of people to be count Case Finland Registers as an input for the census in the Nordic Countries 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

3 Recommendation (1) UNECE, Recommendations for the 2020 Censuses of Population and Housing: Census should allocate each person to one, and only one, place of usual residence. To avoid persons either being counted in the populations of more than one country or not being counted at all. Enumeration’ means the act of collecting data about a person (or household): with the direct participation of that person (or household) through a field operation, or indirectly using data that is already recorded in administrative registers 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

4 Recommendation (2) To meet national requirements, a country may have an interest in various ‘populations’. It is recommended that the qualifying adjectives (labels) attributed to the national populations are as close as possible to the meaning given in the international context. A country may wish to enumerate all persons present in their territory and/or supposedly belonging to the population of interest. The ‘population to be enumerated’ is the set of persons whom the country decides should be covered by the census 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

5 Relation between population concepts
Theoretical definition(s) Population base 1 Population base 2 …. Population base n Enumeration Enumerated pop.base 1 Enumerated pop.base 2 Enumerated pop base n Aggregation(s) Population count 1 Population count 2 Population count n Adjusment(s) Population estimete 1 Population estimate 2 Population estimate n Relation between population concepts Population to be enumerated Enumerated population Source: Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations for the 2020 Censuses of Population and Housing, p. 77 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

6 Recommended population base
The population base to be used for international comparisons purposes is the ‘usually resident population’. The ‘place of usual residence’ The geographic place where the enumerated person usually spends their daily rest. The ‘usually resident population’ of a country Persons who have their place of usual residence in the country at the census reference time and have lived, or intend to live, there for a continuous period of time of at least 12 months. A ‘continuous period of time’ means that absences (from the country of usual residence) whose durations are shorter than 12 months do not affect the country of usual residence. 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

7 Challenging groups Specific groups of persons to be count, e.g.
Perons who regularly live in more than one country during a year National military, naval and diplomatic personnel and their families located outside the country Foreign persons working or studying within the country Merchant seamen and fishermen Persons who work or study abroad Asylym seekers, illegal, irregular or undocumented migrants Homeless people, nomands Recommendations how to be counted Challenging groups to both traditional and register-based census Undercoverage, overcoverage Sign of life 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

8 Case Finland Population Base in Finland Basic registers
Population Information System Updating of the Population Data 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

9 Population base in Finland
National population definition in population statistics includes those Finnish and foreign citizens who are living permanently in Finland. As a general rule permanent living is measured by the stay / intention to stay in the country lasting at least 12 months. Persons permanently in Finland equal the persons with registered place of domicile in the country (home municipality). In principal a place of domicile is given to all Finnish citizens who live in Finland. a person immigrating to Finland if s/he has a intention to stay in the country lasting at least 12 months. 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

10 Population base in Finland
Possible undercount not all immigrants register their stay even a registered Finnish domicile entitles residents to certain benefits the undercoverage mostly consists of immigrants’ late registration Statistics Finland can estimate the total numbers of undercoverage of different groups based on the number of residence permit applications etc. Possible overcount late/non-emigration The overcoverage can be examined with register data sign of life: persons with no signs of economic activities in other registers, can be removed from the population data 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

11 The basic registers Population Information System 22 May 2018
Kaija Ruotsalainen

12 Population Information System (1)
Population information is used for various purposes in society. The Population Information System contains the official information for the whole country on: Finnish citizens and aliens residing permanently in Finland buildings and dwellings and their holders real estate units The Population Information System provides data to the administrative authorities and courts of law as well as for statistical and research purposes. Business enterprises and private citizens may obtain for example address information. Maintained by the Population Register Centre and local register offices The most used basic register in Finland 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

13 Basic Solution of National Identity Management
Relevant basic information of natural persons (citizens and residents of Finland) is collected in one centralized information system, the Population Information System Each person is assigned an unique identifier from this central information system at time of registration (birth etc.) Data from this central system is shared with authorities, businesses and citizens (within limits set by law in detail) The goal is to provide for efficient collection and distribution of basic personal data across government 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

14 Population Information System (2)
Information is utilised in the Finnish society’s information services and management, for instance: Public administration Elections Taxation Judical administration Research Statistics Direct marketing 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

15 Updating the Population Information System (1)
22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

16 Updating the Population Information System (2)
22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

17 Updating the Population Information System (3)
Main principle: All relevant data are collected when they arise Updating is restricted to those units that have changed Data are updated on the basis of the identity codes Responsibility rests mainly with different authorities Except the change-of-address information Data are obtained direct from the citizens With a special form / by telephone / via internet within seven days Regular quality survey 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

18 Registers as an Input for the Census in the Nordic Countries
Source: Register-based statistics in the Nordic countries, UNECE 2007 22 May 2018 Kaija Ruotsalainen

19 Thank You! Kaija Ruotsalainen

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