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Design Regulations Update
Planning Commission Public Hearing September 2019
Presentation Overview
Project Schedule Purpose and Desired Form Review Key Changes to Public Draft Code: Code Organization and Administration Chapter 17.20: Multiple-Family Residential Zone Chapter 17.74: Design Regulations
Schedule 1. Context and Understanding 2. Desired Form and Function
Tour PAC Meeting 1 1. Context and Understanding June – July 2018 2. Desired Form and Function July – November 2018 3. Code Development and Refinement December 2018 – June 2019 Community Design Day Visual Preference Workshop and Questionnaire PAC Meeting 2 PAC Meeting 3 Online Review Public Review
Purpose and Desired Form
Guiding Principles: PAC Mtg. 1
Support consistent street front Strengthen uniqueness of pearls Design for local context and coastal setting Promote walkable development in pearls Improve design along string Draw on positive examples (ex. Cannon Beach, Nye Beach, etc.)
Code Audit Key Recommendations
Restructure Commercial Design Standards Chapter Consolidate/improve organization Fine-tune pearl-specific zone district chapters Improve map and define character type boundaries Update/add illustrations and graphics
Community Engagement Key Findings: Desired Form
Prioritizing pedestrian spaces Public realm, building, parking Contiguous building fronts AND stand-alone buildings (Some) contemporary design/color Keeping a small scale Regulating large scale commercial Multi-family residential uses at a human scale Traditional building form Multi-family that retains coastal residential character
Code Organization and Administration
Organization Existing Code Definitions found in multiple chapters
Lengthy/repetitive code sections Hard to navigate code/find relevant standards Public Draft Code Used tables to abbreviate and simplify (ex ) Consolidated and updated definitions to separate chapter Updated terms for clarity Improved page layout and heading styles
Existing Code Example:
Public Draft Code Example:
Format and Graphics Existing Code Hard-to-read Different styles
Public Draft Code Revised illustrations and tables for consistency, legibility and to exemplify complex standards or requirements Improved consistency of graphics Graphics are print and online compatible
Existing Code Examples:
Public Draft Code Examples:
Design Review Existing Code No Design Review process
No requirements for applications No expedited process (Administrative Review) Public Draft Code Added new Design Review section Streamlined development review types and procedures New thresholds for major and minor to expedite review
Design Review Administrative Review Quasi-Judicial Review Exceptions
Exterior alterations Minor modifications and building additions Administrative Review Major modifications Determined by Director Requested by applicant Quasi-Judicial Review General maintenance Residential dwellings (except multi-family) Nonconformances Exceptions
Chapter 17.20: Multiple-Family Residential Zone
Chapter 17.20: Key Changes Existing Code No building design standards
No specific parking design requirements No specific landscaping requirements Hard-to-understand site design standards Public Draft Code New building design standards in 17.74 No parking allowed between street and building Landscaping requirements for parking areas Site design standards in table form
Chapter 17.20: Density Existing Code
No minimum density for multi-family housing Calculated based on minimum lot area: 5,000 sq. ft. for single-family 8,000 sq. ft. for duplex or first two units of multi-family Additional min. lot sizes for low, high, or mixed density Public Draft Code 25 units/acre min. density for multi-family housing Modified min. lot sizes and removed additional minimums
Chapter 17.20: Permitted Uses
Existing Code Allowed Single Family, Hospitals, Time Share Units, Public and Private Golf Courses & Utility Substations These uses are not consistent with the intent of the Multiple Family Residential Zoning District Public Draft Code Removed the uses of Single Family, Hospitals, Time-Share Units, Public and Private Golf Courses & Utility Substations Moved Residential Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, and Transitional housing to Conditional Uses
Chapter 17.20: Site Design Existing Code
45% max. building coverage for all uses Same setbacks for all uses Allows front-loaded garage access for multi-family Public Draft Code 60% max. building coverage for multi-family Reduction of front setbacks for multi-family Prohibits front-loaded access for multi-family Side or rear loaded only
Chapter 17.74: Design Regulations
Community Engagement Findings: Off-Street Parking + Circulation
Off-Street Parking + Circulation
Existing Code No standards for design Public Draft Code Prohibits parking between street and building Requires direct pedestrian connection Requirements for landscaping and screening internal to parking lots New requirements for structured parking
Off-Street Parking + Circulation
Community Engagement Findings: Pedestrian Spaces
Pedestrian Spaces Existing Code Three percent (development in pearls)
Min. eight-foot width Min. 64 sq. ft. ½ of one percent of building cost Public Draft Code No substantial changes: Continue existing standards
Community Engagement Findings: Character Areas
Character Areas Existing Code
Minimal guidance for community-supported design outside of Pearls Mix of subjective and objective standards Public Draft Code Restructured based on street type/pearl and created new sections for each site design element Restructured code for clear and objective standards, and clarified where subjective (guidelines) apply
Character Areas: Principles
Compact, walkable, mixed-use development Vibrant pedestrian spaces and streets Pearls Improve building design along busy side streets Enhanced street front and ground floor design High-Use Streets Flexibility in site design Consistency in building design String
Character Areas
Character Areas: Site Design
Development extends at least 50% of street Entrance within 10 feet of ROW Pearls Improve building design along busy side streets Enhanced street front and ground floor design High-Use Streets Flexibility in site design Consistency in building design String
Character Areas: Site Design
Development extends at least 50% of street Entrance within 10 feet of ROW High-Use Streets Improve building design along busy side streets Enhanced street front and ground floor design Flexibility in site design Consistency in building design String
Character Areas: Site Design
40-foot max. setback Allow for multiple driveways String
Character Areas: Building Design
Pearl String Hight-Use Street Building height (min.) 18 feet No min. Building height (max.) Established by underlying zone Ground floor windows 60% 40% Entrances 1+1 every 40 feet 1 1 each 90-feet of street frontage Pedestrian shelters (minimum along street frontage) 75% of building frontage length At all building entries 50% of building frontage length
Character Areas: Building Design
Pearl String Hight-Use Street Building articulation Max. individual wall plane size 800 sq. ft. 1,600 sq. ft. Min. recess or projection of wall planes i. Facades less than 100 feet long: 3 feet ii. Facades 100 feet or longer: 6 feet Max. length of individual wall plane 12 feet 24 feet
Community Engagement Findings: Building Design Elements
Building Design: Design Elements
Wecoma Historic roadside commercial or small-scale cottage architecture
Building Design: Design Elements
DeLake Break up larger facades and repetitious design features to create an appearance of smaller-scale buildings
Building Design: Design Elements
Cutler City Residential character and integration of nature
Materials and Color Existing Code
Primary materials: Unfinished, painted or natural stain wood Secondary materials: Metals and rough-hewn wood Colors: No primary colors specified Public Draft Code Materials: No substantial changes (continue existing standards) Colors: Pearls: Allow for brighter colors. Subtle earth-tones preferred String or High-Use Streets: Low-reflectance shades
Roof Form Existing Code Flat, gabled, or hipped Min. pitch ~6:12
Public Draft Code Sloped roof required for smaller buildings in pearls (<50 width) with min. pitch of 6:12
View Protection Existing Code No requirements Public Draft Code
New guidelines for north-south streets 200-foot maximum length of buildings in pearls 300-foot maximum length outside of pearls Min. 25-foot distance between buildings
View Protection
Community Engagement Findings: Multi-family that retains coastal residential character
Multiple-Family Zoning Design
Existing Code No standards Public Draft Code Reducing building bulk (Upper floor step-back) Breaking-up building form Requiring pitched roof for smaller buildings Requiring minimum requirements for windows Providing guidance on materials and color
Multiple-Family Zoning Design
Building Step-back
Multiple-Family Zoning Design
Building Form
Multiple-Family Zoning Design
Roof Form
Multiple-Family Zoning Design
Additional Standards Windows: 15% of façade facing public right-of-way Materials: Allows for range of building materials. Preference for wood as primary material. Colors: Low reflectance, muted earth tones. Mechanical equipment: Screened from right-of-way
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