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Norms of High School Writing

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Presentation on theme: "Norms of High School Writing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Norms of High School Writing

2 Capitalization First word in each sentence. First-person use of ‘I’.
Proper nouns Specific Persons, Locations, and Things Days of the week, month, holidays Historical events Race, Nationalities, Languages

3 Punctuation Period/Question Mark/Exclamation Point Comma Apostrophe
Quotation Marks Colon Semi-colon

4 Complete Sentences Begins with a capital letter.
Concludes with an end mark (./?/!) Main clause Subject + Verb Expresses a complete thought

5 Consistent Verb Tense Past Present Future
I typed this slide and ate a Snickers. Present I am typing this slide while eating a Snickers. Future I will type the slide and eat a Snickers.

6 Consistent Point of View
1st Person: I 2nd Person: You 3rd Person: He , She , They

7 No Contractions Don’t = Do not Won’t = Will not It’s = It is
I’ll = I will Who’s = Who is That’ll = That will

8 Formal Language b/c = because & = and btw = by the way u = you
TV = television pic/photo = picture/photograph

9 Strong Word Choice hate deteste good pleasant ask inquire
Mrs. Cubitt sat in her chair. Mrs. Cubitt exhaustively sank into her chair.

10 MLA Formatting Double spaced 12 point font (Times New Roman / Arial)
1 inch margins Right Corner = Last Name + Page Number Left Corner = Name / Teacher / Class / Date Centered Title Evenly spaced paragraphs

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