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CFC’s Key Ratio Trend Analysis (KRTA)
The KRTA report was first developed in 1975 by CFC and only included 37 ratios. Since then, it has grown to 145 ratios. CFC obtains the 15 page Annual Form 7 report that we complete each March - from over 800 Coops, and they compile the data into a consistent way for us to evaluate our Coop’s performance and trends.
Structure of Ratios PEER GROUPS CATEGORIES U.S. Total Base Group
Fixed Expenses State Financial Ratios Total Expenses Consumer Size Revenue & Margins Employee Major Current Power Supplier Sales Growth Plant Growth Controllable Expenses Plant 145 RATIOS TOTAL 5 peer groups – shown in red US Total – largest group – shows the median value for all 800+ distribution coop nationally and where each coop ranks within group REFRESH MEMORY - MEDIAN IS MIDDLE VALUE, NOT AVERAGE - MEDIAN reduces volatility caused by extreme high and low values State – shows the median value of distribution coops within a state or state grouping. By that, I mean that there are Coops in 47 states, but there are only 38 groupings because some states are aggregated for reporting purposes. NC is reported as state all on it’s own. US Consumer Size – median value for all distribution coops of a certain size no matter where in the US. I have tried to get geographical locations from CFC, but they have not been able to provide this data. In 2018, there were 14 groupings. Grouping #1 included Distribution Coops <1000 consumers, Grouping 14 included Distribution Coops >100,000 consumers Our group ,#6, included Distribution Coops with between ,999, so we are one of the largest within that group with 11,345 consumers. Major current power supplier – provides the median value for all distribution cooperatives served by the same power supplier and its rank in that group Plant Growth - Shows median value for all distribution cooperatives in nation with similar five year rate of growth in TUP and it’s ranking in that group. The state peer group and the power supplier group provide greater perspective on how we compare because of similar weather, pricing, tax, and regulations., but these values and appear skewed in some ratios – for example the median value of number of employees in state and power supply group is 70 and we have 36.
2018 KRTA - Layout Year US Total State Grouping Consumer Size
US Total State Grouping Consumer Size Current Power Supplier Plant Growth (13-18) System Value Median NBR Rank Median NBR RATIO 1 - AVERAGE TOTAL CONSUMERS SERVED 2014 11,612 13,775 813 453 31,238 26 24 10,251 88 8 29,010 22 18,476 258 169 2015 11,628 14,007 811 452 31,423 10,380 6 29,114 17,013 253 161 2016 11,482 14,310 809 463 31,563 10,425 83 12 29,215 14,581 151 2017 11,221 14,362 475 31,767 10,348 86 21 29,371 15,864 239 148 2018 11,345 14,457 814 473 32,031 10,443 20 29,581 12,730 164 90 RATIO 2 - TOTAL KWH SOLD (1,000) 235,446 302,457 484 508,547 200,053 28 494,593 351,829 168 232,225 298,933 485 499,216 196,376 30 489,799 325,988 162 223,857 304,803 489 507,476 190,682 496,928 302,178 155 224,159 308,821 495 497,749 190,896 29 479,679 312,477 150 238,684 329,946 492 532,565 209,171 517,181 276,026 RATIO 3 - TOTAL UTILITY PLANT (1,000) 71,876.08 78,452.15 444 167,818.06 55,184.04 25 145,692,21 92,572.75 154 74,021.03 81,534.62 172,775.33 58,353.53 150,491.15 89,300.29 76,402.47 85,508.06 455 178,215.13 62,101.24 153,273.89 80,552.67 135 78,403.38 88,619.70 461 183,907.02 61,528.29 156,981.92 86,622.00 137 79,662.02 91,752.01 468 188,394.54 23 63,278.07 164,960.31 79,013.41 80 The KRTA provides 5 years of our historical data. Each ratio has a ranking of 1 to the total in that peer group. The results are subject to interpretation – Sometimes #1 is a favorable ranking and sometimes it’s an unfavorable ranking. It depends on the type of ratio and each Coop’s strategic goals which varies and impacts the interpretation of the results. Year – Always in ascending order,. System Value - your cooperatives actual values Peer groups – each peer group has 3 values: Median – median (middle) value for that peer group NBR – number of cooperatives reporting in that peer group. Rank – your cooperatives rank within that peer group. The highest in each group is always first regardless of ratio definition, but keep in mind that interpretation can be favorable or unfavorable – depending on ratio and each coop’s individual strategic goals. In addition to the KRTA having long history of helping Coops to evaluate their performance, the ratios are presented to show a low volatility because they use median values instead of averages – this gets rid of the extreme highs and lows within the 5 peer groups.
Base Group Fixed Expenses State Financial Ratios Total Expenses Consumer Size Revenue & Margins Employee Major Current Power Supplier Sales Growth Plant Growth Controllable Expenses Plant 145 RATIOS TOTAL 10 categories – shown in red Base – basically key characteristics used in 55% of ratios. Includes # consumers served, kwh sold, Total Utility Plant, # employees, miles of line 1-5 Financial – commonly used financial ratios such as TIER, Equity as % Assets, return on equity and current ratio. 6-32 Revenue/Margins – helps user analyze both revenue and margins in greater detail – kwh sold, # consumers, rate groups 33-59 Sales – provides greater detail of kwh usage among rate classes. Presented as either kwh usage per month or % of kwh sold. 60-76 Controllable Exp – closer look at operating expenses from form 7. Management has some degree of control over these expenses. (O&M, A&G, Billing/CSR) storrn not covered by FEMA - still in O&M Fixed Expenses – closer look at the operating expenses from form 7 – these costs are fixed because they HAVE to be incurred for operations. (Power, Int, Tax) 88-102 Total Expenses – Explores total cost of services by including all expenses – controllable and fixed. All from Form 7 Employees – Labor is 2nd largest expense after power costs. Smaller coops still must have enough employees to operate. ratio 4 mediam emp in state 70 ours 36 Growth – analyzes coop’s growth in terms of consumers, utility plant, kwh sold and total capitalization. Plant – useful for monitoring the cooperatives investments and how it compares to other peer groups. I haven’t included ratios from each group, rather, I included ratios to illustrate the types of comparisons and analysis that can be made from various random ratios.
Equity as % of Assets Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO EQUITY AS A % OF ASSETS 2014 34.03 43.92 813 660 37.97 26 19 46.63 88 78 39.09 24 18 43.74 258 216 2015 34.39 44.23 811 659 37.86 46.83 76 38.21 17 45.45 253 217 2016 34.30 44.83 809 682 39.05 47.40 83 39.80 16 45.12 222 2017 37.01 45.27 628 37.54 15 47.73 86 73 38.40 46.05 239 189 2018 41.86 45.62 814 523 39.81 9 47.05 61 40.27 48.05 164 116 This is the Equity percentage that you see each month in your Board Report. - Equity represents the percent of total assets the member actually owns - This Financial ratio measures the extent to which the cooperative’s consumers have financed plant and other assets with their own funds, as distinguished from assets that were financed with borrowed capital. (RUS, FFB, CFC, Cobank) Over the past 5 years, it has been our goal to increase the Equity, as seen here and on the next slide. We have not borrowed from FFB/RUS since 7/2016 Refinanced remaining RUS thru CoBank at end of 2016 Compare our value to state and power supplier group Extra: Notice that the power supply group has 24 members as opposed to the state group with 26: There are 4 coops in the state that either purchase some or no power from statewide…these are: 1) Energy United 2) Blue Ridge 3) Rutherford 4)
Equity as a % of Assets 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 RATIO 16
10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 RATIO 16 --- EQUITY AS A % OF ASSETS NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data - large blue vertical bars depict EMEMC’s values. - green line depicts NC power supplier values. - yellow line depicts State grouping values - orange line depicts national consumer size values For this ratio, it is favorable to be ranked higher, depending on the Cooperative’s goals and strategies. We’re trying to build equity, so we interpret the results to be favorable.
Blended Interest Rate Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO BLENDED INTEREST RATE (%) 2014 4.42 4.28 806 333 4.47 26 15 4.35 87 39 4.43 24 13 4.40 258 124 2015 4.26 4.13 804 340 4.25 4.18 41 4.21 11 252 126 2016 3.57 4.06 801 605 4.15 22 4.09 81 66 4.12 20 4.08 253 199 2017 3.96 807 348 4.02 12 4.01 84 38 4.00 10 4.03 238 117 2018 3.82 3.98 808 483 16 48 3.91 14 163 109 This financial ratio measures the cost of long term borrowed funds, both RUS and other/supplemental funds. This ratio shows the blended cost of LTD, and is weighted to reflect the respective amounts of LTD at each interest rate. Cobank is now our largest lender…CFC has highest interest rates and we have least amount funded with them – mostly old debt … they were a portion of concurrent loans with RUS and cannot be refinanced or paid off early without penalty.
Blended Interest Rate 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 RATIO 23 --- BLENDED INTEREST RATE (%) NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data For this ratio, we believe that it is favorable to be ranked lower, because a lower interest rate on LTD is more favorable than a high interest rate. Green – NC Power Supplier Yellow – State Peer group Orange – National Consumer Size
Long Term Debt as % of Assets
Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO LONG TERM DEBT AS A % OF TOTAL ASSETS 2014 58.45 43.08 806 67 47.23 26 2 40.65 88 4 46.96 24 44.27 257 15 2015 57.11 43.71 805 47.65 42.04 7 47.35 42.51 252 21 2016 55.42 43.16 803 106 46.71 41.15 82 5 45.78 42.22 253 29 2017 53.27 42.12 808 134 45.61 41.16 84 8 45.47 41.74 238 38 2018 49.53 41.37 807 221 43.92 6 41.42 17 43.31 38.62 163 33 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 RATIO 19 --- LONG TERM DEBT AS A % OF TOTAL ASSETS NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data Another Financial Ratio… This is an example of the type of “comparison” ratios that encouraged CFC to increase their number of ratios, so they could provide information for further analysis in different ways……by % assets, kwh sold, per consumer. Compared to our previous years, 2018 is a favorable year, but this ratio is not as favorable when compared to other Coops in our state, because we have higher amount of debt. Green – NC Power Supplier Yellow – State Peer group Orange – National Consumer Size
Long Term Debt Per KWH Sold
Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO LONG TERM DEBT PER KWH SOLD (MILLS) 2014 158.16 110.81 806 191 122.70 26 5 116.75 88 18 24 108.54 257 56 2015 161.17 116.60 805 221 128.25 8 119.26 126.18 7 111.09 252 57 2016 168.35 121.14 803 207 125.14 6 120.59 82 22 123.92 116.96 253 61 2017 160.85 120.95 808 259 124.54 9 123.49 84 29 121.59 238 68 2018 138.93 115.12 807 309 121.23 11 118.69 34 10 103.74 163 50 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 RATIO 20 --- LONG TERM DEBT PER KWH SOLD (MILLS) NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data Ratio 20: LTD per KWH Sold measures the portion of each kwh sold funded by LTD We appear among the top 1/3 to ½ in our state and power supply grouping – we had similar weather to these groupings Green – NC Power Supplier Yellow – State Peer group Orange – National Consumer Size
Long Term Debt per # Consumers
Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO LONG TERM DEBT PER CONSUMER ($) 2014 3,206.91 2,293.78 806 197 2,272.39 26 2 2,194.99 88 16 24 2,191.68 257 45 2015 3,218.74 2,361.73 805 213 2,247.59 2,321.96 20 2,227.00 252 41 2016 3,282.24 2,420.17 803 212 2,252.39 2,411.67 82 19 2,299.75 253 50 2017 3,213.27 2,439.14 808 229 2,270.44 2,424.59 84 18 2,304.71 238 47 2018 2,923.00 2,436.25 807 288 2,375.68 5 2,348.01 25 2,140.21 163 40 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 RATIO 21 --- LONG TERM DEBT PER CONSUMER ($) NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data Ratio 21: Long Term Debt per Consumer – Measures each member’s share of the cooperative’s LTD Notice here, that even though our 2018 is more favorable than 2014, but that we still have a high debt ratio Ours LTD looks so high for two reasons: 1) In earlier years, we borrowed as much as we could per the work plan. (cheap $) and invest it in Cushion of credit where we’d make 5% interest. 2) We have fewer members to spread the debt over We haven’t borrowed since 2016 in order to build equity . RATIO AVERAGE TOTAL CONSUMERS SERVED , , , , , Green – NC Power Supplier Yellow – State Peer group Orange – National Consumer Size
Average Consumers Per Mile
Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO AVERAGE CONSUMERS PER MILE 2014 7.93 6.02 812 250 8.94 26 20 5.39 88 17 24 18 6.10 258 84 2015 7.91 6.00 810 255 9.02 5.37 6.25 253 92 2016 7.79 6.03 808 263 9.03 5.38 83 5.98 85 2017 7.58 6.08 289 9.08 86 19 6.12 239 2018 7.65 6.14 814 287 9.10 6.71 164 59 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 RATIO 125 --- AVERAGE CONSUMERS PER MILE NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data To illustrate our One of the growth ratios: Density information (Ratio 125) Average Consumers Per Mile We have a low density rate, or a low number of consumers per mile of distribution line.. - We have 7.65 compared to the median rate in the power supply group of 9.10 Green – NC Power Supplier Yellow – State Peer group Orange – National Consumer Size
Total Operating Revenue per KWH Sold
Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE PER KWH SOLD (MILLS) 2014 119.01 112.78 813 304 118.28 26 13 118.76 88 43 24 12 112.08 258 99 2015 117.28 112.29 811 334 117.83 15 116.96 44 117.40 111.40 253 105 2016 118.31 112.77 809 320 118.25 119.44 83 118.05 113.03 2017 123.29 115.16 294 120.62 11 120.99 86 42 115.61 239 89 2018 126.80 113.82 814 228 123.41 118.19 36 123.11 115.35 164 53 112.00 114.00 116.00 118.00 120.00 122.00 124.00 126.00 128.00 RATIO 33 --- TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE PER KWH SOLD (MILLS) NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data Revenues & Margins Ratios 33 – Total Operating Revenue per kWh sold - Measures all revenue generated from the total operations of he system on a kWh basis. Our revenues appear higher, but not far off in comparison with the state and power supplier groups in 2017 and 2018 in this graph, probably due to our recent rate adjustment in 2017, plus the surge in kwh sales, (weather) and regaining consumers. (This should become more even in future years as costs catch up and exceed projections from the load forecast.) Green – NC Power Supplier Yellow – State Peer group Orange – National Consumer Size
Total Operating Revenue per Consumer $
Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE PER CONSUMER ($) 2014 2,413.07 2,320.93 813 360 2,095.06 26 5 2,267.08 88 36 24 2,246.88 258 93 2015 2,342.15 2,272.11 811 2,109.06 2,239.75 38 2,179.85 253 95 2016 2,306.61 2,260.18 809 380 2,093.04 2,262.44 83 41 2,189.33 102 2017 2,462.87 2,275.95 309 2,023.16 3 2,357.81 86 33 2,172.81 239 75 2018 2,667.69 2,386.87 814 277 2,190.19 2,416.10 30 2,192.85 2,271.98 164 47 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 RATIO 35 --- TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE PER CONSUMER ($) NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data Revenue & Margins Ratios #35 Total Operating Revenue per Consumer $ Measures each member’s contribution to revenues generated from all consumer classes and other electric and non-electric revenue sources of the Coop. We’re small Coop based on comparison of others in state and power supply group (reference ratio #1 & #125 have less consumers/$ to spread over) Green – NC Power Supplier Yellow – State Peer group Orange – National Consumer Size
Total Controllable Expenses Per KWH Sold
Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO TOTAL CONTROLLABLE EXPENSES PER TOTAL KWH SOLD (MILLS) (SAME AS RATIO #103) 2014 28.76 22.20 813 196 24.14 26 9 24.88 88 30 24 8 22.72 258 55 2015 28.05 23.16 811 259 24.98 25.49 37 23.68 253 84 2016 32.05 23.56 809 173 26.93 6 25.54 83 28 5 52 2017 31.81 24.38 204 26.69 27.18 86 29 7 25.07 239 60 2018 29.85 23.80 814 241 26.74 11 26.85 34 10 24.95 164 58 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 RATIO 86 --- TOTAL CONTROLLABLE EXPENSES PER TOTAL KWH SOLD (MILLS) (SAME AS RATIO #103) NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data Controllable Expenses Category - Ratio 86: Total Controllable Expenses per Total KWh sold – measure of the total controllable expenses on a kWh sold basis. Controllable Expenses include O&M, A&G, Consumer accounts and service and information expenses and sales expense. (O&M, A&G, Billing/CSR) - Even though we are small, we appear more consistent here because we have good amount of kwh sold w industries, farms etc. for our size Green – NC Power Supplier Yellow – State Peer group Orange – National Consumer Size
Total Controllable Expenses per Consumer
Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO TOTAL CONTROLLABLE EXPENSES PER CONSUMER ($) (SAME AS RATIO #104) 2014 583.19 471.98 813 190 445.95 26 3 495.19 88 18 24 451.30 258 38 2015 560.15 482.46 811 245 453.70 504.25 457.32 253 57 2016 624.85 494.06 809 166 462.32 511.07 83 16 468.33 475.27 36 2017 635.45 496.01 173 453.90 2 514.07 86 454.80 484.66 239 33 2018 627.91 514.50 814 217 478.81 529.80 23 483.75 525.55 164 46 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 RATIO 87 --- TOTAL CONTROLLABLE EXPENSES PER CONSUMER ($) (SAME AS RATIO #104) NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data Ratio 87: Total Controllable Expenses per Consumer – Measure of the total controllable expenses on a per-consumer basis. Controllable Expenses include O&M, A&G, Consumer accounts and service and information expenses and sales expense. Notice that the per kwh ratios are closer in reference to other peer groups shown than the per consumer --- because of our low density… reference growth ratio 125 density ours 7.65 state 9.10 Green – NC Power Supplier Yellow – State Peer group Orange – National Consumer Size
Annual Growth in KWH Sold
Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO ANNUAL GROWTH IN KWH SOLD (%) 2014 2.16 2.49 811 432 3.95 26 22 2.35 88 46 24 20 2.62 258 138 2015 -1.37 -1.91 354 -0.97 16 -1.88 37 15 -2.01 253 103 2016 -3.60 0.48 806 697 -0.28 0.41 83 67 -0.33 0.30 221 2017 0.13 -1.02 808 319 -1.50 3 -0.45 86 35 -1.79 2 -1.49 239 2018 6.48 6.49 810 406 7.62 21 5.86 38 7.66 6.44 164 81 (6.00) (4.00) (2.00) 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 RATIO 114 --- ANNUAL GROWTH IN KWH SOLD (%) NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data Ratio 114: Annual Growth in kWh sold (%) – Compares current year total kWh sales to prior years’ total kWh sales -This ratio is greatly affected by weather and storms, acquiring or losing load, etc. Last year was a good year in kwh sales for us, but also for all Cooperatives per a recent CFC Article. -Understanding growth in kWh sales is important for budgeting and long-term financial forecasting….2018 is more of an abnormality. It was a great KWH year for all Coops nationwide plus we were getting back some of the members we lost during storms. Ask Eddie when our new loads came on?
Percentage Annual Growth in Number of Consumers
Year System Value US Group State Group Consumer Size Group Power Supplier Plant Growth RATIO ANNUAL GROWTH IN NUMBER OF CONSUMERS (%) 2014 -0.24 0.52 811 741 0.42 26 24 0.41 88 72 22 258 234 2015 0.14 0.56 651 0.61 23 0.36 60 0.57 21 0.54 253 200 2016 -1.26 0.62 806 790 0.63 25 0.44 83 0.55 248 2017 -2.27 0.64 808 801 0.91 0.47 86 85 0.67 239 237 2018 1.11 0.60 810 225 0.86 6 0.51 18 5 164 35 (6.00) (4.00) (2.00) 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 RATIO 114 --- ANNUAL GROWTH IN KWH SOLD (%) NC016 State Size Supplier Ver 2018 KRTA Data Ratio 115: Percentage Annual Grown in Number of Consumers – Measures the annual growth in the total average of consumers served vs the prior year. It is called total average because we take total consumers in Jan plus the total consumers in Dec and divide by 2…explains that previous years show effects from storms like Hurricane Matthew shows some recovery from that.
Please feel free to ask questions!!
Thank You! Please feel free to ask questions!! I appreciate the opportunity to share this data with you. This is just a glimpse of the entire KRTA which includes 145 ratios! Please note that parts of this presentation was taken from the following sources: 1) CFC KRTA Report and Definitions Guide. 2) CFC KRTA Assessment Level 1 and 2 Class Guides.
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