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Information for Finalists ACSE

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1 Information for Finalists ACSE

2 Welcome back Your final year!!!
One final big push and it will be over soon Project Work is crucial (more on this later)

3 Degree classification
Based on both overall average and number of modules above a certain grade Year weightings BEng - year 2 (1), year 3 (2) MEng - year 2 (1), year 3 (2), year 4 (2) See No resits, pass mark 50 for year 4 Can fail up to 40 credits (but don’t) Minimum 100 credits for IET accreditation in final year, minimum 90 credits for degree award

4 Options you need to think about
You can still change optional modules until the end of week 3 – need to complete an online add/drop form

5 Communication Check your emails regularly
Use dept and uni website info General enquiries: Ask at AJB reception Personal tutor – academic welfare + references Lecturers – module specific queries

6 Special Circumstances
Medical problems Personal problems Talk to people – friends, family, personal tutor Lots of university support available - Complete a special circumstances form - We can then help you

7 Careers and employability
You need to be thinking about this now Don’t leave it too late Think about your wider personal and professional development Companies want to recruit people with the right skills and experience – not just academic Careers service MSc or PhD options

8 Student-led projects? Open to ACSE students applying for Dept. support. Deadline for applications 8th Nov. Full details and application form at the following link:

9 Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
New extra-curricular module in Semester 2. Led by Professor Keith Jackson (ex CTO Meggitt PLC and former chair of ACSE Industry Advisory Board). Interactive workshops, team-work and clinics. Share business principles, develop business strategies and explore technology exploitation. Most successful students will go on ‘Dragon’s Den’ style pitch, with possibility of securing financing and coaching. Open to students in Y2 and above. Look out for more information throughout term, on Dept. social media, leaflets and information screens.

10 Y3 - what’s new? Curriculum changes not as drastic as in Y1/Y2
New modules ACS341 Machine Learning AER324 Aircraft Dynamics and Control

11 Y3 - what’s different? Changes to Y3 curriculum driven by YOUR feedback. Your feedback is really important to us We make continual improvements every year Talk to your personal tutor Talk to lecturers – as problems arise so you can get them sorted quickly Staff student committee – know who your reps are End of semester student feedback questionnaires ACS332 Agent-based modelling - moved to Y4 ACS335 Embedded systems - also moved to Y4 ACS321 Digital signal processing - new module leader ACS322 Indiv. project – interim report feedback

12 Y4 - what’s new? New modules
ACS6127 Real-Time Embedded Systems (15 credits) ACS6132 Agent-based modelling and multi-agent systems (15 credits)

13 Y4 - what’s different? Changes to Y4 curriculum driven by YOUR feedback. ACS6126: Advanced Space Systems and Space Weather ACS6408: Optimisation ACS6420: Advanced project ACS6427: Data modelling and machine intelligence ACS6101: Cybersecurity for control systems ACS6116: Advanced Control ACS6420 Advanced individual project – interim report feedback, improved skills sessions.

14 Final year projects: Assessment
Deliverable Weighting Aims, objectives and project plan This will not be assessed directly but failure to submit this will result in a 10% penalty on your overall project mark. It is expected that the aims, objectives and project plan will be included in the interim report (potentially subject to revisions). Interim report Overall weighting 10%. Marked by the second reader. Final report Overall weighting 60%. Marked by both your supervisor (30%) and the second reader (30%). Performance and professional skills Overall weighting 20%. As part of the assessment your supervisor will also mark your overall professional conduct of the student during the project. Oral presentation Marked by at least 2 academics. Typically these will not include your supervisor.

15 Summary of the Assessment Deadlines
Aims and Objectives 23:59 Monday of Semester 1 Week 4 Project Progress Form 23:59 Friday of Semester 1 Week 6 Interim Report 23:59 Monday of Semester 1 Week 11 Interview with Second Reader By the end of Semester 1 Week 12 23:59 Friday of Semester 2 Week 6 Dissertation 23:59 Monday of Semester 2 Week 11. Unless a Bank Holiday, in which case the Tuesday will be the hand in day. Oral Presentation All presentations will take place on Wednesday of Semester 2 Week 12 Performance and Professional skills No deadline – Supervisors complete the assessment form following completion of the project

16 Important points I Take owner ship of your project - you will be marked on your initiative. This is the last stage before you become a graduate, so we expect you to have the professional attitude of a graduate Engineer. Plan your project well and work consistently – make the most of this first semester. Use your available resources well – your supervisor won’t do the work for you, but they can be a valuable source of information and help.

17 Important points II The handbook is your first source of information
If you have problems with your supervisor which cannot be resolved contact the module leader. Funds are available for projects (consult the latest version of the handbook) Extensions can only be granted by the module leader and require an Extenuating Circumstances form and associated evidence.

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