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Topic 3 In this lecture you will learn:

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1 Topic 3 In this lecture you will learn:
Three major approaches in management/ Tiga era utama dalam pengurusan: 1.1. Classical approach in management / Era pengurusan klasik History/ Sejarah Henri Fayol’s Theory/ Teori Henri Fayol Max Weber’s Theory/ Teori Max Weber Frederick Taylor’s Theory/ Teori Frederick Taylor Communication in the classical approach/ Komunikasi dalam era klasik 1.2. Human relations approach in management/ Era pengurusan perhubungan manusia Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory/ Teori Hierarki Maslow Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory/ Teori Motivasi-Hygiene Herzberg McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y/ Teori X dan Teori Y McGregor Communication in the human relations approach/ Komunikasi dalam era perhubungan manusia 1.3. Human resources approach in management/ Era pengurusan sumber manusia Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid/ Blake dan Mouton pengurusan bergrid Likert’s system IV/ Sistem IV Likert Ouchi’s Theory Z/ Teori Z Ouchi Communication in human resources approach/ Komunikasi dalam era sumber manusia

2 An explanation of HOW or WHY something occurs.
What is a theory? An explanation of HOW or WHY something occurs. Satu penjelasan untuk memahami Bagaimana atau Mengapa sesuatu fenomena atau benda berlaku Roles of Communication Theory in Organisation To describe how communication occurs/ Untuk menggambarkan bagaimana komunikasi berlaku To explain why communication occurs/ Untuk menjelaskan mengapa komunikasi berlaku To predict what can or may happen/ Untuk meramalkan apa yang boleh atau mungkin berlaku: Especially when misunderstanding occurs/ Terutama apabila salah faham berlaku To make sure you get the job done! / Bagi memastikan kerja dilakukan! To control a situation or problem in communication/ Untuk mengawal keadaan atau masalah dalam komunikasi

3 What is Organisational Theory?
As an overview, an organisation as a theory is: A study of structure and design of an organisation Organisation is also a ‘life’ with complexities Organisation can develop its own personality depending on who is in the organisation – we call that an organisation’s culture Organisation is NOT static, it is adaptive – according to the environment or culture: e.g: New employees come into an organisation, you adapt or the new employee adapts to you; technology changes, your organisation adapts; A public is not happy with your organisation, you adapt and make changes; Foreign companies adapt to the society they are operating in – e.g. KFC or McDonalds – Halal food in Malaysia, McDonalds in Japan – serves sushi, Halal McDonalds mushrooming in Australia- growth of Muslim population in most cities in Australia. *A theory in organisation will be based on these four factors above. Satu kajian struktur dan reka bentuk sesebuah organisasi Organisasi adalah juga seperti ’kehidupan' dengan penuh kerumitan Organisasi boleh membina personaliti tersendiri bergantung pada yang dalam organisasi - kita panggil bahawa budaya organisasi Sesebuah organisasi bukannya statik, ia boleh dianggapkan sebagai suatu kehidupan yang kita lalui setiap hari. Dalam kehidupan kita, penuh dengan masalah dan kerumitan. Organisasi juga begitu. Ia adalah penyesuaian mengikut persekitaran atau budaya: Organisasi juga ada personaliti sendiri. Adapt – menyesuaikan diri anda.

4 1.1. Classical approach in management/ Era pengurusan klasik
History Classical approach began in the 19th century in America & Europe (abad ke-19) – (beginning from ) This century is known as the ‘industrial revolution’ era – (era revolusi perindustrian) The industrial revolution era is a time when there is a mass production (pengeluaran produk adalah secara besar-besaran) The economic development of American and European businesses in this century is focused on industrial production. (Perkembangan dari segi ekonomi di Amerika Syarikat & juga di negara2 Eropah pada abad ini tertumpu kepada perindustrian.) Pada revolusi perindustrian, pendekatan pengurusan adalah bertumpukan kepada pengeluaran produk secara besar-besaran. Perkembangan dari segi ekonomi di Amerika Syarikat & juga di negara2 Eropah pada abad ini tertumpu kepada perindustrian.

5 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
Humans are the machine & technology wasn’t as efficient

6 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
Classical approach is similar to the function of a machine/ Fungsi Era Pengurusan Klasik adalah serupa seperti fungsi sebuah mesin Cth: Bayangkan fungsi engine kereta atau motherboard sebuah komputer Every part (employee and role) in the organisation has: Specialisation (pengkhususan) – Every part of an organisation has its function; similar to a machine. Standardisation (setiap bahagian adalah standard) – Every part of an organisation is similar which means it is replaceable; similar to a machine. Predictable (boleh diramal) – Always the same outcome; similar to a machine.

7 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
b. Henri Fayol Theory Father of modern operational-management theory He is a French industrialist (seorang usahawan dari Perancis) There are two aspects of management in his theory : Elements of management (unsur-unsur pengurusan): Planning – Tumpuan di sini adalah untuk menentukan cara terbaik untuk mencapai matlamat & masa depan organisasi Organising – Tumpuan adalah dari segi susunan sumber manusia dan penilaian pekerja-pekerja Command - Menetapkan tugasan pekerja bagi memenuhi matlamat organisasi Coordination – Setiap tugas perlu memenuhi matlamat organisasi supaya ada harmoni yang boleh menyatukan organisasi Control – Matlamat organisasi & aktiviti pekerja perlu berfungsi selari dengan perancangan organisasi

8 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
ii. Principles of management: There are four (4) major principles of management in this era: 1. Principles of organisational structure (there are 6): 1.1 Scalar chain: Strict vertical hierarchy. struktur hierarki menegak & komunikasi bergerak dari atas ke bawah atau bawah ke atas. 1.2 Unity of command: Receives task only through one supervisor. pekerja hanya menerima arahan tertentu daripada hanya satu penyelia/pengurus 1.3 Unity of direction: One way communication. Arahan dari atas adalah sehala sahaja 1.4 Division of labour: Assigned to a limited specialised number of tasks. pekerja memegang tugas yang khusus 1.5 Order: Should be an appointed place for each employeesetiap pekerja mempunyai jawatan dan tugas masing-masing dan tidak akan berubah. 1.6 Span of control: Limited number of employees to control for difference level of managers. Kuasa pengurus adalah terhad kepada pekerja di bawahnya. Chain- rangkaian

9 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
*Principles of organisational power (there are 3): 2.1 Centralisation: Keputusan pengurusan adalah berpusat/central. 2.2 Authority and responsibility: Kuasa pengurus kepada pekerja adalah berasal daripada jawatan yang dipegang di dalam organisasi itu (seniority) & ciri-ciri peribadi pengurus (cth. Pengurus yang berwibawa adalah pengurus yang pandai memerintah & mengawal pekerjanya). 2.3 Discipline: Prinsip ini mencadangkan bahawa semua ahli organisasi perlu taat kepada peraturan organisasi

10 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
*Principles of organisational reward (there are 3): 3.1 Remuneration of personnel: ganjaran diberikan kepada pekerja berdasarkan gaji dan faedah (benefits). 3.2 Equity: ganjaran diberikan kepada pekerja secara adil (if you do work, you’ll get paid, if you don’t do work, you won’t get paid) 3.3 Tenure stability: pekerja diberi masa yang cukup untuk mempelajari pekerjaannya bagi mencapai kestabilan tempoh bekerja.

11 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
*Principles of organisational attitude (there are 3): 4.1 Subordination of individual interest to general interest: Prinsip ini mengutamakan matlamat organisasi lebih daripada matlamat pekerja. 4.2 Initiative: Pekerja perlu dinilai dari segi sejauh mana pekerja sanggup bekerja demi organisasinya. 4.3 Esprit de Corps: “all for one, one for all” – the 3 musketeers – setiap pekerjaan yang dibuat adalah demi organisasi sahaja/ berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing.

12 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
*What is bureaucracy/ birokrasi? a. Bureucracy is a very technical way of managing an organisation/ satu cara pengurusan yang sangat teknikal b. Bureucracy is a very systematic way of management/ satu cara pengurusan yang mengutamakan pengurusan yang sangat sistematik c. Bureaucracy is to control, to promote authority in an organisation/ cara pengurusan ini sangat menggalakkan pemegangan kuasa dari peringkat atasan.

13 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
c. Max Weber’s Theory of Bureaucracy He is known as the ‘Father of Bureucracy’/ Beliau dikenali sebagai ‘Bapa Birokrasi’ His idea of management was introduced the same time as Henri Fayol – in the same century – ideanya mula berkembang pada abad ke-19 It is also known (at that time) as an ‘ideal type’ theory – pada masa itu, jenis pengurusan ini dianggap sebagai pengurusan yang perlu dicontohi

14 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
According to Weber, bureaucracy involves: Clearly defined hierarchy – pengutamaan hirarki/piramid structure/ tall structure Division of labour – pembahagian tenaga pekerja yang ketat. Setiap jawatan dan tugas perlu disiapkan oleh pekerja seorang. No team work. Centralisation – keputusan & kuasa adalah berpusat. – look at a pyramid from above. It’s central in which everyone focuses to do work to achieve only one goal – profit! Closed systems – Sistem-sistem dalam sebuah organisasi bersifat tertutup. Importance of rules – Mengutamakan peraturan organisasi Functioning of authority – Mengutamakan fungsi kuasa dari peringkat atasan samada traditional authority, charismatic authority & rational-legal authority.

15 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
Weber gives full attention to the ‘Functioniong Authority’ aspect (there are 3 aspects): i. Traditional authority – hanya seorang yang memeluk kuasa organisasi itu, semua hanya perlu menerima arahan daripadanya. ii. Charismatic authority – Pekerja mengikut arahan daripada seorang pemimpin organisasi yang berwibawa. Pengurus disanjung tinggi sebagai pengurus kerana personalitinya. iii. Rational-legal authority – Kuasa bergantung kepada kepakaran dan rasional yang membentuk peraturan dan norma organisasi.

16 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
c. Frederick Taylor’s Theory of Scientific Management Taylor’s idea of classical management approach is focused on ‘micro’ level of organisational functioning/ Dalam era klasik pengurusan, Taylor mengutamakan fungsi ‘micro’ organisasi. This means, unlike Fayol & Weber, Taylor does not care about the organisational structure/ Idea klasik Taylor tidak serupa dengan idea Fayol & Weber, di mana, beliau tidak mengutamakan struktur organisasi. He cares about the relationships between manager and employees/ lebih mengutamakan perhubungan di antara pengurus & pekerja secara sistematik.

17 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
Taylor found that Fayol’s and Weber’s theories in management created problems because: Uneven quality of work - Most of the workers in this time were hired as newcomers and will learn from their seniors. The seniors will be more efficient and the newcomers will be slower in their jobs. Systematic soldiering – In this century, organisations focus on productivity. This means, if employees can achieve more productivity, the manager will lower the pay per item of production. Resulted in employees trying not work harder so that productivity level will remain the same so that they will keep a high pay! Cth: RM1/ brick = employees have to target for 100 bricks IF one employee can produce 200 bricks, the pay will be lowered 50 cents/brick = all employees will have to target 200 bricks!

18 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
According to Taylor, in order to solve these problems, he created the idea of scientific management/ Sebagai jalan penyelesaian, Taylor mencipta idea pengurusan saintifik: Time and motion studies – Hanya satu cara untuk mengendalikan pekerjaan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pengurusan secara saintifik Cth: Pekerja harus mengikut garis panduan bagaimana pekerjaan itu dibuat dan tidak boleh melebihi garis panduan atau kurang dari panduan tersebut. Pekerja dianggap seperti robot. ii. Proper selection of workers – pekerjaan harus bersesuaian dengan kebolehan pekerja. iii. Importance of training workers – Latihan perlu mengikut garis panduan yang telah disediakan. Basic difference between management and workers - jawatan pengurus = berfikir, merancang, mentadbir jawatan pekerja = tenaga buruh, bertukang, pekerja tidak boleh memberi pendapat

19 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
e. Communication in the classical approach Content of communication Task-oriented/ tertumpu pada tugas masing-masing Direction of communication flow Vertical (downward)/ Menurun Mode/ Channel of communication Usually written/ Kebiasaannya ditulis Style of Communication Formal

20 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
Taylor’s idea of management is focused on NO social interaction among employees. Employees have to only WORK, WORK, WORK. So, what happened to the employees???? Employees began to strike back. They were not happy with his way of management in an organisation.

21 1.1. Classical management approach (cont..)
Beaurocrocy still exists today! In what way? Can you think of a place or organisation anywhere in the world that is following the classical management approach, in today’s society??? CHINA INDIA VIETNAM THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES MILITARY ORGANISATIONS GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONS?

22 1.2 Human Relations Approaches
History Due to the many problems with the classical approaches in the 19th – the early 20th century, workers were very unhappy which resulted in public outcry for fair treatment in the workplace/Pendekatan klasik dalam abad ke-19 hingga awal abad ke-20, telah menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati di kalangan pekerja. What workers want is to be able to have a VOICE/ Pekerja ingin menyuarakan pendapat. Not treated like a robot/ pekerja tidak mahu di anggap sebagai robot In , the Hawthorne studies began, whereby, many researchers began to find ways to improve efficiency in the workplace and keep workers happy/ kajian Hawthorne muncul, di mana, ramai penyelidik mula mencari jalan untuk meningkatkan kecekapan di tempat kerja sambil memastikan pekerja berpuas hati.

23 1.2 Human Relations Approaches
b. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory Created by Abraham Maslow He suggested that humans are motivated by five (5) basic needs: Need level Example of Need Satisfaction in Organisation Level 5: Self-actualisation Work allowing the exercise of creativity Level 4: Esteem Internal: Rewarding work External: Bonus pay Level 3: Affiliation Social relationships with co-workers Level 2: Safety Physically safe working conditions Level 1: Physiological “living wage” to allow purchase of food, clothing

24 1.2 Human Relations Approaches
c. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory Developed by Frederick Herzberg in the late 1950s/ dicipta oleh Frederick Herzberg pada tahun 1950-an Expanded in the 1960s and early 1970s/ Berkembang pada tahun 1960-an dan awal tahun 1970-an. It based on two factors: i.Hygiene factors – clean working environment, good salary, good boss Faktor kebersihan - persekitaran kerja yang bersih, gaji yang baik, bos baik. ii. Motivation factors – challenging work, responsibility, chance for promotion, benefits. Faktor motivasi - kerja yang mencabar, tanggungjawab, peluang untuk kenaikan pangkat, faedah.

25 1.2 Human Relations Approaches
Typology of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction from Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory: Motivation Factors Present/ Terdapat faktor-faktor motivasi Motivation Factors Absent/ Tiada faktor-faktor motivasi Hygiene Factors Present/ Terdapat factor-faktor kebersihan Situation 1: HAPPY! Situation 2: Not happy BUT NOT unhappy Hygiene Factors Absent/ Tiada faktor-faktor kebersihan Situation 3: Happy YET unhappy Situation 4: NOT happy & unhappy

26 1.2 Human Relations Approaches
d. McGregor’s Theory X & Theory Y Two theories of manager’s behaviours – Theory X & Theory Y Theory X – Managers are influenced by the classical management approaches Money, materials, mass productivity, interaction with workers are only about work and to meet the organisation’s goals Theory Y – Managers prefer the human relations approaches Physical and mental efforts of workers are natural, like play and rest interaction with workers is to understand whether they can do the job well on that day, how they are feeling during the time, emotions and intellectual capacity.

27 1.2 Human Relations Approaches
e. Communication in the human relations approaches Classical Approach Human Relations Approach Communication content Task-oriented Task and social Communication direction Vertical (downward) Vertical & horizontal (menurun & mendatar) Communication channel Usually written Often face-to-face (bersemuka) Communication style Formal Informal

28 1.2 Human Relations Approaches (cont..)
b. Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid Combine the classical management approach with human relations approach and turned these approaches into a leadership style of management.

29 1.2 Human Relations Approaches (cont..)
c. Likert’s system IV Four system types in Likert’s system: theorises that there are a number of forms that organisations take based on the organisation’s and individual’s goals. Likert’s system I: Exploitive authoritative organisation – characterised by motivation through threats and fear, downward communication and inaccurate. ii. Likert’s system II: Benevolent authoritative organisation – characterised by motivation through economic and ego rewards, limited communication, decision making at the top, goal setting through orders and comments, and top-level control.

30 1.2 Human Relations Approaches (cont..)
Likert’s system III: The consultative organisation – primary decisions are made from the top but seek opinions from the bottom prior to decision making. iv. Likert’s system IV: A participative organisation – teamwork, decisions are made as a team, each team sets different goals and decide what needs to be done based on the projects and tasks.

31 1.2 Human Relations Approaches (cont..)
d. Ouchi’s Theory Z: RECALL/ INGAT BALIK – What is McGregor’s Theory X & Theory Y? Ouchi’s theory Z – created by William Ouchi in 1981 and he focused on the Japanese style of management/ Dicipta oleh William Ouchi pada 1981 yang mengutamakan pendekatan pengurusan dari Japan Ouchi was different – He looked to the East/ Beliau mengutamakan pengurusan ketimuran Which means – in Ouchi Theory Z, the central focus is instilling the employees with a sense of belonging in the organisation.

32 1.2 Human Relations Approaches (cont..)
Comparison between Japanese organisations & U.S. organisations Japanese Organisations vs U.S. Organisations Lifetime employment Short-term employment Slow evaluation and promotion Rapid evaluation and promotion Nonspecialised career paths Specialised career paths Implicit control mechanisms Explicit control mechanisms Collective decision making Individual decision making Collective responsibility Individual responsibility Wholistic concern Segmented concern

33 1.3 Human Resources Approaches
History By the 50s, 60s and 70s, there were a growing feeling among researchers that feel human relations approaches were not efficient for organisational communication/ Dalam linkungan tahun 50-an, 60-an dan 70-an, timbul perasaan tidak puas hati di kalangan penyelidik, yang berpendapat, era hubungan pendekatan manusia tidak begitu berkesan bagi pengurusan komunikasi Focus is given to the people in the organisation/ Setiap individu dalam sebuah organisasi diberi keutamaan. Workers in an organisation have feelings/ Pekerja dalam organisasi mempunyai perasaan. Every worker is an important ingredient for achieving organisation’s goals/ Setiap individu merupakan ramuan penting bagi mencapai matlamat organisasi. Human resources approaches differ from human relations approaches because in human resources approaches, workers are assets to an organisation/ Era sumber manusia berbeza dari era hubungan manusia, era sumber manusia melihat pekerja sebagai aset organisasi.

34 1.2 Human Resources Approaches (cont..)
e. Communication in the human relations approaches Classical Approach Human Relations Approach Human Resources Approach Communication content Task-oriented Task and social Task, social, and innovation Communication direction Vertical (downward) Vertical & horizontal (menurun & mendatar) All directions, team-based Communication channel Usually written Often face-to-face (bersemuka) All channels Communication style Formal Informal Both, but especially informal

35 See this YouTube as a summary to what we’ve learned Tonton, imbas semula, ingat & fikir

36 Tugasan kecil untuk kumpulan anda minggu hadapan
Perkenalkan organisasi anda. Tonjolkan apa yang menarik mengenai organisasi anda kepada publik / khalayak / pemegang saham. - bagaimana anda akan memperkenalkan organisasi anda dengan cara yang menarik? Melantik anggota organisasi dan menyenaraikan deskripsi kerja masing-masing. Setiap kumpulan HANYA mempunyai lebih kurang 10 minit untuk sesi perkenalan ini. Bagaimana anda hendak memperkenalkan organisasi anda kepada rakan sekelas, terpulang kepada anda. Gunakan kreativiti anda sendiri, tidak semestinya dengan powerpoint. Think outside the box!

37 Sekian, jumpa esok!

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