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Mrs. biller Starting 19th year of teaching in Deer Valley District

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1 Mrs. biller Starting 19th year of teaching in Deer Valley District
This is my 3nd year at Hillcrest. 14 years at Las Brisas Elementary 1.5 years at Highland Lakes

2 My Daughters are Finally Falcons. Son is at Copper Creek.
The twins are 7th graders and so EXCITED to be with mom in all aspects of their middle school years  Matthew will be in 2nd grade.

3 How to contact me: My web site
Phone: Remind 101 app-codes are on my website and Canvas I am looking forward to a great year!

4 Math 7th and 8th grade math is based on Arizona’s College & Career Ready Standards (AZCCRS) Students will solve problems in the areas of Ratios and Proportional Reasoning, the Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Problem solving skills and math vocabulary will be used in all areas. The curriculum we are piloting is called Illustrative Mathematics. You can find all the resources at the Eureka Math web-site. It also is found under the name Illustrative Mathematics. The AZCCRS are accessible at

5 Grading Policy: Assessments (tests and quizzes) = 65%
Classwork (bell work)= 30% Homework = 5%

6 Grades – QUIZZES 65% A quiz is given about every week .
Quizzes are open note/open homework. Quizzes cannot be redone.

7 Grades- TESTS 65% Tests are given at the end of the unit.
Tests can be redone. In order to retake a test students must- 1. Fill out Retake Contract and obtain signature 2. All homework/practice work for the unit must be completed. 3. Redo any missed problems from the test on redo sheet. 4. Staple test and corrections to the form. 5. Make an appointment to retake the test.

8 Grades- CLASSWORK (30%) and HOMEWORK (5%)
All assignments will be recorded in the gradebook. (PowerSchool) Students are required to turn in their work on time if they want to be able to retake a test. Students ALWAYS have the opportunity to ask questions, in class, on the homework. Assignments are graded in class by student or I will collect and give feedback on it.

9 Other Important Information:
Students must show all work for all problems. All methods of solving a problem are accepted, as long as, the student shows work and the method works every time. NO math will be accepted in pen, no exceptions. Students must follow the assignment set up, this means showing work and using the lines on the paper or graph paper.

PowerSchool PowerSchool user names and passwords were included in your student’s AZ Merit results envelopes?? If you need another copy of the information you can obtain it from the front office.

11 Google Classroom Google Classroom is a learning management system that many K-8 are utilizing. We are using Google Classroom in the math class this year. Can be utilized for quizzes/tests/project or daily assignments from our binder

12 AP Time (Academic Prep) (30 minutes everyday)
Monday = Hillcrest Happenings/MIT Tuesday = Intervention/PAL (Algebra tutors) Wednesday = Be Kind/MIT Thursday = Intervention/PAL (Algebra tutors) Friday = SSR/PAL

13 Extra Help/Tutoring MIT(Math Intervention Time)- Tuesday and Thursday during AP time Before/After School- by appointment.

14 Need more info? My website: Weekly s: Each week you and your child (Learner accounts) will receive an with the week’s lessons, homework or any other information that needs to be shared.

15 Common Core Math Practices
Use of the Common Core Mathematical Practices will be a daily expectation. Mathematical Practices (MP) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

16 General Daily Routine Pull out student planners for homework check
Any notes you want to write in the communication portion will help Daily warm up Lesson for the day: some individual work, some partner work or small group The students each have a binder with their Illustrative Math resources Homework assignment if there is one. Generally homework will be started in class. All Homework will be completed on Canvus or in binder.

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