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Presentation on theme: "Supreme Forms ANNUAL SURVEY OF FRATERNAL ACTIVITY (#1728) –"— Presentation transcript:

The information obtained from The Fraternal Survey is essential for documenting the Order’s record of charitable and fraternal activity, and helping to maintain the tax-exempt status. REPORT OF OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR THE TERM (#185) – Immediately following elections, the financial secretary should report the Officers Chosen for the Term. Reporting of officers is due by July 1. The information from this reporting allows the state council and the Supreme Council office to compile mailing lists of council officers. SERVICE PROGRAM PERSONNEL REPORT (#365) – It’s up to the grand knight to report his appointments to the Supreme Council Department of Fraternal Services. Please note that the Financial Secretary can file the report online if the Grand Knight does not have access. Reporting of program personnel is due by Aug. 1. The information from this reporting allows the state council and the Supreme Council office to compile mailing lists of council officers.

The Columbian Award Application (#SP-7) must be submitted to the Supreme Council office by June 30. It should be completed by the grand knight or program director. Submission of the Columbian Award application is essential to qualify for the Star Council Award. SEMIANNUAL COUNCIL AUDIT REPORT (#1295) – The report for the period of July 1 to Dec. 31 is due at the Supreme Council office by Feb. 15. The report for the period of Jan. 1 to June 30 is due at the Supreme Council office by Aug Failure to submit the semiannual audit can cause a council to forfeit the bond coverage for its financial secretary and treasurer. My Responsibility as State Supreme Forms Chairman – ** Report Directly to State Deputy Chris Foley ** Monitor Supreme Forms web page weekly to update my Supreme form spreadsheet. Spreadsheet is broken down by Districts, providing DDs with those Councils within their District who have not submitted forms ** Periodically send DDs spreadsheet through District Deputy Coordinator ** To help Council Grand Knights complete, document and submit forms to Supreme

3 Supreme Forms Number of Councils Not Submitting the Following Forms –
Report of Officers Chosen for the Term (#185) Service Program Personnel Report (#365) Semiannual Council Audit Report (#1295) Annual Survey of Fraternity Report (#1728)----20 Columbian Award Application Safe Environment Program Non-Compliant----22 Safe Environment Compliant Program---284 Councils Safe Environment Compliant----28

4 Supreme Forms Safe Environment Summary Report
1. Councils are broken down on a Member Role to following Council positions: GK, Program Director, Community Director and Family Director 2. Member Role is broken down in the following categories; Compliant, Pending, Non-Compliant, Not Assigned, Training Type, Training Due, Background Check Due, Compliance 3. Supreme has accumulated the following numbers from Submitted Form 365’s: Compliant Pending Non-Compliant Not Assigned Grand Knight Program Director Community Director Family Director TOTAL

5 Supreme Forms The following SP-7 Forms were submitted for the following Councils, Received by Program Coordinator. Councils: 2160, 3247, 4732, 7502, 7560, 9597, 10205, 10684, 11514, 12063, 12336, 12392, 13099, 13131, 14347, 14479, 16052, 16769

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