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Presentation on theme: "CO-OPERATIVE LEARNING IN THE FRENCH CLASSROOM"— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAKATAUKI Nau te rourou, naku te rourou ka ora te iwi. Le travail d’équipe est essentiel. En cas d’erreur, il permet d’accuser quelqu’un d’autre.

3 1. What do you understand by cooperative learning. 2
1. What do you understand by cooperative learning? 2. How can cooperative learning support your students in becoming more effective communicators in French?

4 THINK PIGSF Positive interdependence Individual accountability
Group reflection Social skills Face-to-face interactions

5 Positive interdependence
All for one, one for all Students succeed together or fail together Inclusion The curriculum is non-sexist, non-racist, and non-discriminatory; it ensures that students’ identities, languages, abilities, and talents are recognised and affirmed and that their learning needs are addressed. (NZ curriculum principles)

6 Individual accountability
Each member is responsible for: Achieving the group goal Their own learning The learning of everyone in the group

7 How can the teacher ensure individual accountability?
Individuals or groups know they can be asked to explain, clarify, and report to the teacher, other groups, or the class at any time.

8 Group reflection Reflecting Evaluating Goal setting
Academic AND social Learning to learn The curriculum encourages all students to reflect on their own learning processes and to learn how to learn. (NZ curriculum)

9 Social skills

10 Face-to-face interactions
Maximise talking time Develop communication skills Maori-preferred practice (Bishop and co) Collaborating and co-constructing – ka hikitia

11 GROUPING Student led Teacher led Random selection Grouping by ability

12 Some ideas for random selection
Matching cards (picture/word, question/answer, first half/second half of sentence) Make an animal sound (coin coin, miaou, cui cui…) Repeat a sentence Word groups (food, animals, colours…)

13 Role cards Moniteur du son Responsable du matériel
Chargé de participation Chronomètreur Also recorder, quality checker, questioner, organiser, spell checker, pronunciation checker, envoy…

14 Role cards NOISE CONTROLLER Use quiet voices One person speaks at a time Don’t disturb others Soundbite: “chut!” “à ton tour”

15 Some ideas for learning activities
Students sit back to back, describe people using photos Doughnut Dance and freeze Folded line Treasure hunt/human bingo Poster making Jigsaw learning Create an activity/write a play for another group Hide an object

16 Reporting Random reporting
Move around class, give other groups feedback

17 Reflecting, evaluating and goal setting
Goals should be academic AND social Did we use each other’s names? Did we resolve agreement fairly? Did we meet the success criteria? Did we ensure everyone was involved? Did we communicate in French most of the time? Did we check our French spelling? Did we answer in full sentences? Did we remember to write accents? Etc… SAM the goal!

18 Goal setting Describe what your group did well today
Décrivez ce que vous avez bien fait aujourd’hui Describe what you could improve on next time Décrivez ce que vous allez améliorer la prochaine fois Next time we work together, we will do better by…

19 E raka te mauī, e raka te katau
L’union fait la force!


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