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Background Beer Canada is the national voice of Canadian brewers. Our members brew 90 percent of the beer brewed in Canada. We are an Ottawa-based industry.

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1 Digital Messages Kit For Canadian Beer Day, October 9, 2019 Powered by Beer Canada

2 Background Beer Canada is the national voice of Canadian brewers. Our members brew 90 percent of the beer brewed in Canada. We are an Ottawa-based industry trade association that has represented Canadian brewers for over 75 years. We are launching the first Canadian Beer Day on Wednesday, October 9, Our plan is to make this an annual event that occurs on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving each year. Canadian Beer Day will showcase brewers of all sizes with their allied industry partners coming together to celebrate the historical, cultural and economic significance of beer in Canada. We want this effort to be the start of a rallying call for all Canadians to get behind our quest to secure an Act of Parliament that sets the Wednesday before each Thanksgiving as "Canadian Beer Day". Why a Wednesday? Halfway through the work week with a long weekend in sight is a great day to celebrate Canadian beer, every year. The date and timing has been carefully chosen to acknowledge where it all starts – when Canada’s malting barley farmers are finishing up this year’s harvest for next year’s beer!

3 Let’s all Cheer for Beer
We are asking all brewers and allied industry partners to get involved in the lead up to the first annual celebration of Canadian Beer Day - October 9, 2019! We want to be cheering for beer across all media channels on the day itself. Working together, our voice will be impossible to ignore. Canadian Beer Day gives us a date to focus our collective voice as a community of brewers, maltsters, truckers, servers, retailers, suppliers and growers, all working together to bring Canadians their favourite beverage. We hope to make it really easy for everyone to get involved. On the next few slides are links to graphics and resources and various suggested messages which you can use to promote Canadian Beer Day on your websites, social channels, blogs, newsletters and whatever you use to reach your audience. This October 9, let’s work together to make some noise and celebrate beer.

4 URLs and Social Handles
Hashtag: #CdnBeerDay |

5 Key Messages Canadian Beer Day is a time to celebrate Canadian beer from coast to coast to coast. Beer is the drink of choice among adult Canadians. Cheers to Canada’s 10 million beer drinkers! More than 8 out of every ten bottles of beer sold in Canada is made in Canada. Canadian brewers are innovators invested in hundreds of communities across the country. Brewing is one of Canada’s oldest industries - high quality home grown malting barley continues to be a big strategic advantage for local brewers.

6 Graphics & Resources We’ve made it easy for anyone to get involved online! English and French graphics and resources are available for download on the site and at Dropbox. us if you are looking for anything else or require something custom.

7 Suggested Messages Beer is synonymous with activities that bring us all together. Canadians can spend Canadian Beer Day toasting at their local brewery, pub, restaurant or even in their own backyard. Brewing in Canada goes back 350 years. Today, we have nearly a thousand breweries and beer is the drink of choice for more than 10 million Canadians. Beer brings Canadians together and has been part of our culture for generations. Canadian beer is woven into our national fabric. Brewing has been part of our heritage since before Canada became a country. Canadians take pride knowing we have some of the world’s best beer, brewed right in our backyard.  This Canadian Beer Day, we’re toasting our fellow brewers and beer drinkers across Canada. Hashtag to include: #CdnBeerDay

8 Suggested Messages We are proud to employ # and contribute to # events and organizations in the community of X every year. Breweries are so much more than the place your beer is made. We support many local community events and organizations. Our brewers, barley farmers, bartenders and restaurateurs work every day to produce and distribute quality beer that’s put Canada on the global beer map. Canada has many natural advantages to brewing beer, one being our proximity to home-grown high-quality malting barley. Brewers buy 300K tonnes of malting barley from Canadian farmers every year. Buying Canadian beer means supporting Canadian farmers. Let’s celebrate the Canadian farmers bringing in this year’s malting barley harvest for next year’s beer! Hashtag to include: #CdnBeerDay

9 Suggested Messages On Canadian Beer Day and everyday, we are proud to responsibly serve Canada’s 10 million beer drinkers. Cheers to Canadian Beer Day and the amazing breweries across Canada! The sale of beer supports 149K Canadian jobs. There are nearly 1,000 breweries in Canada and an estimated 10 million beer drinkers. Beer sold in Canadian restaurants supports 53,000 Canadians jobs. Cheers, to Canada’s 10 million beer drinkers. Cheers to Canada’s 23,000 barley farmers working to have their highest quality malting barley selected for beer. Beer sold in private and government run stores across the country supports 25,000 Canadian jobs. Cheers to all the Canadians serving Canada’s 10 million beer drinkers. Hashtag to include: #CdnBeerDay

10 Supplementary Facts and Figures
Breweries are job creators, directly employing almost 15,000 Canadians in good paying, middle- class jobs. The beer economy supports 149K Canadian jobs and provides nearly 14 billion annually to our national GDP. Beer sales generate 5.7 billion in combined federal, provincial and municipal tax revenues. Our country boasts nearly 1,000 breweries of all sizes. They employ Canadian workers and the sale of their beer supports a billion dollars annually in wages and benefits. Breweries provide key support to thousands of community organizations and events every year. In Canada, beer has 3x the economic impact of the wine and spirits industries combined. Hashtag to include: #CdnBeerDay

11 Supplementary Facts and Figures
Brewers support farmers by purchasing more than 300K tonnes of malting barley every year. Supporting Canadian beer equals supporting Canadian farmers. In 2018, Canada hit an all time high in the # of breweries in operation (995), giving beer drinkers an unprecedented # of beers to choose from. It’s an exciting and vibrant time for beer in Canada, but high taxes and flat growth make the market intensely competitive. Hashtag to include: #CdnBeerDay

12 “The best place to enjoy a beer in Canada” Contest
Help us share the #CdnBeerDay contest by promoting it on your social channels and building on it with your own prizes and special offers. Suggested Message: For Canadian Beer Day, we want to know where you think the best place in Canada is to enjoy a beer! Enter the #CdnBeerDay contest for your chance to win an awesome speaker cooler to carry your beers and keep them cold! Platforms: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

13 Thanks for celebrating with us!
Brittany Burden

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