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Scientific Method, Measurement, and Lab Safety

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method, Measurement, and Lab Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method, Measurement, and Lab Safety
Test: Thursday, October 4th

2 List the 5 steps in the Scientific Method:
Observation Question Hypothesis Experiment Conclusion (Our Queen Has Eight Children)

3 Hypothesis Scientific Method
An educated guess that can be tested to answer a question is called a ___________________ Hypothesis

4 Scientific Method Experiment
Performing a test to support or disprove a hypothesis is called an ____________ Experiment

5 Scientific Method Observation
Using your five senses to gather information help to make an ____________ Observation

6 Scientific Method Conclusion
A decision based on the results of an experiment is called a ____________ Conclusion

7 Scientific Method Question
A statement about what you are trying to find out is a ____________ Question

8 What is the safety rule shown in each symbol?
You are working with flames and should tie back loose hair and clothing. Follow instructions from your teachers about lighting and extinguishing flames

9 What is the safety rule shown in each symbol?
Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes.

10 What is the safety rule shown in each symbol?
Do not let any poisonous chemicals come in contact with your skin and do not inhale its vapors. Wash your hands when you are finished with the activity.

11 What is the safety rule shown in each symbol?
You are working with breakable materials. Handle with care. Inform your teachers if there is broken glassware. Do not touch broken glassware!

12 What is the safety rule shown in each symbol?
Avoid possible electrical shock. Never use electrical equipment around water or when the equipment is wet or your hands are wet. Disconnect the equipment when it is not in use.

13 What is the safety rule shown in each symbol?
Use an oven mitt or other hand protection when handling hot materials.

14 What is the safety rule shown in each symbol?
Plant Safety. Handle plants in the lab only as directed by teachers. Let the teachers know if you are allergic to a plant before the activity. Wash your hands when you are finished with the activity. Animal Safety. Treat live animals and preserved animals with caution. Wash your hands when you are finished with the activity.

15 Each one of these tiny parts is called a millimeter.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Actual Size Enlarged Size There are 10 millimeters in every centimeter.

16 The abbreviation for millimeters is:
Remember that millimeters are very, very tiny. 10 of them are in every centimeter. The abbreviation for millimeters is: mm

17 A centimeter is about the same size as one m&m.
This is a centimeter. A centimeter is about the same size as one m&m.

18 Did you say 7 centimeters or 70 millimeters?
How long is this pencil? Did you say 7 centimeters or 70 millimeters?

19 How long is this keyboard?
Did you say 22 centimeters or 220 millimeters?


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