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What you need to know in order to be wildly successful

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Presentation on theme: "What you need to know in order to be wildly successful"— Presentation transcript:

1 What you need to know in order to be wildly successful
ENG4UI--with Klosch What you need to know in order to be wildly successful

2 *sigh* What do we have to do?

3 Unit One --Persuasive Personal Writing
What are we doing? We will be reading a variety of short essays in order to understand how they attempt to persuade us to agree with them (or how they fail at that) AND we are going to be trying our hand at writing on a variety of topics Why will we be doing that? It is useful to know how to seem intelligent in writing and it’s always useful to know how you are being manipulated How will I know what you have learned? You will complete a sight essay test and you will write a personal essay. These are the summative tasks for this unit.

4 That sounds fantastic. What comes after that???

5 The Tempest by (apparently...dum, dum, dum)
Wherefore this one? It is short and it is neither a tragedy or a comedy. Change is good. What will we be doing with it? Some creative/mildly outlandish group presentations, a quiz or two, and some writing (with potential to be traditional or creative--you pick!)

6 This keeps getting better and better. What could possibly be next?

7 Unit 3: A GROUP NOVEL STUDY!!!!!!
Which books? Around 10 different options hand picked by me!! You will rank them and work with other people who want to read the same book (about 4 others) How can we keep getting the delightful A’s to which we have become accustomed? Complete your assigned tasks with brilliance on time NEVER EVER LET YOUR GROUP DOWN Complete a research project on a related issue

8 Please say it isn’t over....

9 Unit 4: Independent Book (fiction or non-fiction)
The Rules: Absolutely NO adolescent or Young Adult fiction It must be 300 pages long (at least) It must have been written and published within the past 10 years It can’t be a book that you have read for anything else in school I have to approve it You need a copy of it in your hand ...other than that, the sky’s the limit!

10 In the Independent Study
You will be evaluated on the following: Recorded group discussions A reading Test A creative writing assignment A media product that showcases your oral communication skills

11 What about a final exam?

12 Tuesday June 25 at 8:30am The Final Exam Worth 20% overall (sort of)
You can prepare but you can’t really study Ours will be on the last day of exams Tuesday June 25 at 8:30am

13 So, here is how the final mark will be calculated:
Your mark is not a mathematical calculation like...math! In English, you will be evaluated on 6 Essential Learnings or criteria that will be repeated several times. Each category has a different weight. In calculating a mark for you at report card time we will look at your overall performance in that category with an emphasis on most recent and most consistent trends.

14 Some Important Information about Absences and Assignments
Be responsible about informing me of all planned and scheduled absences IN ADVANCE Participation in activities that take you out of my class (eg other classes, extra-curriculars, employment, other community involvement) will not mean that you receive an automatic extension or extra time on assignments In fact, expect to complete your work early or find some way to hand it in on time even if you are absent

15 Some important information about deadlines:
The Feedback Deadline Items shared with me through googledocs will receive FEEDBACK (but not a mark) from me to help guide you toward a more effective and successful final product I always advertise due dates well in advance ( just ask me if you really want to take the long view--I already know when they all are) I always build in conference time during class The FINAL Deadline Your item must be submitted through by the specified time. If you miss the final deadline, you should not count on it being evaluated until the end of the course, and will only be used to contribute to a passing mark. Think about how that will affect your overall mark when you have a 45% on your midterm report You will not have late marks deducted

16 That all you need to know!!!
Questions? Ask me. Confused? Tell me. As long as you do your work, look like you reasonably enjoy learning, aren’t a jerk to your classmates, and laugh at my jokes, we will get along fine. Please do the Student Information Questionnaire.

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