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Noark 5 validator.

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Presentation on theme: "Noark 5 validator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noark 5 validator

2 Summary Noark 5 extraction format Noark 5 extraction validator Demo
Issues with the Noark 5 extraction format Future steps

3 N5 extraction

4 N5 extraction – contd.

5 N5 extraction – arkivstruktur.xml

6 N5 extraction – arkivstruktur.xml

7 N5 extraction – endringslogg.xml

8 N5 extraction – arkivuttrekk.xml

9 N5 extraction – arkivuttrekk.xml

10 Validating N5 extractions
Verify vs Validate Does validation depend on the system? Validation tool Noark 5 v3 10 validations currently Plug-in oriented Extend with new features Jhove Pdfinfo LibTIFF What to do if there are validation errors?

11 Validation 1 Validate all XML files against their XSD schemas

12 Validation 2 Validate checksums and file format of all documents referenced in arkivstruktur.xml

13 Validation 3 Validate the number of documents referenced in arkivstruktur.xml against the «antallDokumentfiler» value in arkivuttrekk.xml

14 Validation 4 Validate that the number of documents referenced in arkivstruktur.xml is GTEQ to the actual number of files in the «dokumenter» directory

15 Validation 5 Validate the number of «mappe» elements in arkivstruktur.xml against the «mappe numberOfOccurrences» value in arkivuttrekk.xml

16 Validation 6 Validate the number of «registrering» elements in arkivstruktur.xml against the «registrering numberOfOccurrences» value in arkivuttrekk.xml

17 Validation 7 Validate the checksums of all files (XML and XSD) referenced in arkivuttrekk.xml

18 Validation 8 Validate the entries in endringslogg.xml against the objects in arkivstruktur.xml

19 Validation 9 Validate the checksum of arkivuttrekk.xml

20 Validation 10 Validate the custom metadata in arkivstruktur.xml against a schema (custom_metadata.xsd)

21 N5 extraction format – issues and possibilities
References to documents Initial object revisions DocumentObject does not have a systemID Can all objects have custom metadata? Export user registry Import a Noark 5 extraction Data quality

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