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Wallis Goelen – October 2019

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1 PO5 Europe closer to citizens Programming integrated territorial development in 2021-2027
Wallis Goelen – October 2019 Senior expert attached to the Deputy Director General of DG REGIO

2 1. Understanding PO5: Objective? Method? Tool?

3 Policy objective 5 Objective? Method? Tool?
PO5 is a cross-cutting territorial policy objective to address the diverse and interlinked territorial and local needs and challenges. PO5 entails a specific method of integrated territorial development, that requires place-based and integrated strategies, local empowerment and partnership. PO5 must be achieved via territorial tools: CLLD, ITI, or other territorial tools. Other territorial tools only possible under PO5 and ERDF (or under any funds and/or PO – PGA). Must also comply with the minimum requirements CLLD and ITI also available outside PO5 and can be multi-fund

4 The territorial policy objective
Foster economic, social, and environmental sustainability and resilience in all places. Urban context: to benefit from agglomeration economies and positive spill-overs towards the wider functional urban areas and rural areas close to cities to address negative effects of concentration (traffic congestion, pollution, urban sprawl, affordable housing, poverty etc) Other territories: to build on the potentials and specific assets of remote rural areas and local communities (beyond compensatory measures) to overcome the negative effects of low density and peripherality (access to jobs and services, pooling resources)

5 The method Integrated Territorial Development
What is integrated? Multi-sectoral Multi-level Multi-stakeholder Multi-territorial Community-led Shared management (Partnership + Multi-level governance) COHESION POLICY Integrated Place-based Macroregional strategies Transnational/cross-border Partnership Agreement National Programmes Regional/national Territorial strategies (Art. 23) Functional (Functional urban area) Local strategies (Art. 26) Subregional (Metropolitan region) Local admin (City/town/suburb) Community (Urb. neighbourhood) What is Integrated Territorial Development? (Art. 22) Territorial tools ITI (PO1-5) CLLD (PO1-5) Other (PO5) Cohesion Policy plays a central role in bringing Europe closer to its citizens and connects local development needs and potentials with European and global objectives to trigger economic, social and territorial cohesion in all regions. Through its shared management mode based on partnership and multi-level governance, Cohesion Policy is already integrated and place-based at European, national and regional level. Policy objective 5, together with the territorial instruments, aims to go one-step further in bringing the EU closer to the citizens, and provides incentives for integrated territorial development strategies beyond the traditional operational level of Cohesion Policy (national and regional). SUD 6%

6 Minimum requirements for 2021-2027
Key requirements to operationalise Cohesion Policy support to Integrated Territorial Development (CPR Art 23 for all territorial strategies and Art for CLLD local strategies) Interventions linked to territorial or local strategies drawn up by local or territorial bodies Definition of the targeted area according to needs (must be urban for 6%) Locally coordinated interventions through an integrated approach (cross-sectoral, multi-territorial or multi-stakeholder) Relevant local or territorial bodies involved in project selection Partnership with relevant actors to be ensured at local level This slide is about the method – mínimum requirements that all interventions under PO5 and 6% need to comply with.

7 Rationale for integrated and place-based approach
The EU must be able to respond to the expectations of its citizens, irrespective of where they live The number of place-based sectorial initiatives, notably targeting cities, is booming rapidly, but nor national, nor regional, nor local sectoral measures can alone deliver sufficient results. Need for economic, social, and environmental sustainability and resilience in all places Different territories and communities require differentiated and tailor-made policy mixes The rationale of Policy Objective 5 and Integrated Territorial development: In the reflection papers on the future of Europe it became clear, that the EU must be able to respond to the expectations of its citizens, irrespective of where they live in all regions. This is also evident from a growing number of place-based sectorial initiatives (e.g. Smart Cities, Smart Villages, Clean Islands etc) But it is also evident, that to achieve sustainable and resilient development, the economic, social and environmental dimension must work together in a more integrated way, where different territories and communities require differentiated and tailor-made policy mixes

8 The territorial tools in 2021-2027
Support from the Funds to be provided for integrated territorial and local development in forms of: Other territorial tool: Allowed when a territorial strategy receives funding only through PO5 priority or programme (CPR Art 22(c)) ITI: Necessary when territorial strategy receives funding from multiple priorities or even programmes, funds or POs (not exclusive to PO5), (CPR Art 24) CLLD: Specific delivery method to enhance the participatory approach (not exclusive to PO5), (CPR Art 25-28)

9 Support only through PO5 (other territorial tool, CLLD)
ERDF/CF Programme Territorial strategy PO1 PO2 PO5 Provides continuation for the multi-thematic urban and CLLD priority axis and other national tools More suitable for experimentation and integrated local projects All intervention fields and indicators are available to monitor thematic inputs, outputs and results Special attention: Coordination with sectoral policies Scenario PO5: A country/region with high thematic concentration and/or small amount might decide to concentrate the ERDF support to a limited number of locally relevant themes identified in an integrated urban/territorial strategy. The strategy must be multi-sectoral also in this case. Special attention should be given to the integrated nature of the strategies and that interventions are relevant to the local development needs and potentials. Available territorial delivery mechanism: ITI, CLLD

10 Support through PO5 and other POs
(ITI, CLLD) A very comprehensive way to provide support to a territorial strategy Can be suitable for a territorial strategy with a substantial support from Cohesion Policy Suitable to ensure the link with sectoral policies (enabling conditions, TC) Can include multiple tools and strategies (e.g. CLLD strategies within ITI strategy) Special attention: coordination across the different strands, governance and monitoring need to be adapted ERDF/CF Programme ESF Prog. Territorial Strategy PO1 PO2 PO4 PO3 PO5 Scenario ITI: A country/region which would like to support integrated territorial and urban strategies in the most comprehensive way can provide support through multiple strands, combining different policy objectives, programmes and funds. Special attention should be given to the appropriate administrative capacity an arrangements to coordinate across the different strands. Available territorial delivery mechanism: ITI, CLLD

11 Support outside PO5 (ITI, CLLD)
Concentrate the ERDF support to a limited number of locally relevant themes Suitable for a country/region with high thematic concentration and/or small allocation At least two priority, and the local strategy must be integrated also in this case Special attention: integrated approach and the role of local level (minimum requirements) need to be ensured PO2 ERDF/CF Programme Territorial Strategy PO1 Scenario 1: A country/region with high thematic concentration and/or small amount might decide to concentrate the ERDF support to a limited number of locally relevant themes identified in an integrated urban/territorial strategy. The strategy must be multi-sectoral also in this case. Special attention should be given to the integrated nature of the strategies and that interventions are relevant to the local development needs and potentials. Available territorial delivery mechanism: ITI, CLLD

12 Thematic concentration and PO5 programming
ERDF/CF Programme Territorial Strategy PO1 PO2 PO5 Contributes to thematic concentration Does not contribute to thematic concentration

13 ERDF thematic concentration
Requirements refer to ‘budgetary allocations’ at priority level and NOT indicative types of intervention Policy objective 5 is outside the thematic concentration (types of actions falling within the scope of PO 1 and 2, but programmed under PO5 do not count for the thematic concertation) ITI and CLLD (or other territorial tools – PGA), which implement actions programmed under priorities related to PO1 and PO2 count into thematic concentration

14 Summary of main changes
Integrated territorial development treated horizontally (SUD, ITI, areas affected by poverty, geographic specificities etc.) Different set of rules for strategies depending on the territorial tools (SUD ITI, non-SUD ITI, CLLD, urban priority axis etc.) Specific role and obligatory IB status for urban authorities Guidance: integrated if strategy has at least two contributing thematic obj. ITI tool and multi-thematic priorities to draw funding from multiple thematic objectives Proposed for Integrated territorial development has its own cross-cutting policy objective - Europe closer to citizens (PO5) Same basic requirements for all territorial and local strategies, introduced in the regulation (only CLLD requires a different method) Specific role without IB status for all tools Programmes to define integrated approach for strategies No multi-fund within PO5 priority (only with ITI and CLLD) No thematic concentration within PO5 priority (only with ITI and CLLD)

15 Thank you for your attention

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