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Activity: Partner Work

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1 Activity: Partner Work
Convo: Talk to your partner sitting at your lab table! Help: Ask your partner or Mrs. Juergens. Integrity: Think for yourself & contribute to the activity. Effort: Follow directions quickly. Don’t get distracted with cell phone. “SLANT”! Value: The ability to collaborate is one of the top skills employers look for. Peer-teaching will help you process information. Efficiency: Keep your partner accountable!

2 Slant! S = Sit up L = Listen A = Answer & Ask ?s N = Nod if you understand T = Track the speaker

3 Rate yourself on this scale regarding your progress on identifying the major muscles:
A. (4) I can identify & spell muscles without a word bank. (3) I can identify & spell muscles without a word bank. C. (2) I can identify & spell 16 – 17 muscles without a word bank. D. (1) I can identify & spell muscles without a word bank. E. (0) I can identify & spell muscles without a word bank.

4 Identify the major muscles of the human on a model or diagram.
Today’s Learning goal SC.912.L.14.20 Identify the major muscles of the human on a model or diagram.

5 Frontalis Temporalis Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis Oris

6 Zygomaticus masseter sternocleidomastoid splenius capitis

7 Pectoralis major rectus abdominis external oblique

8 Deltoid biceps brachii triceps brachii

9 Trapezius latissimus dorsi erector spinae

10 Quadriceps femoris sartorius tibialis anterior extensor digitorum longus

11 gluteus maximus biceps femoris gastrocnemius (Achilles tendon)

12 Apply your knowledge Which muscle pairs are Antagonistic? = pairs of muscles that pull in opposite directions

13 Tips for practicing – “Poke-a-Muscle” – “Match-a-Muscle” Create your own flashcards! Repeat troublesome words out loud often, then give yourself a spelling test.

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