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Lambeth Alumni Career Cluster Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Lambeth Alumni Career Cluster Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lambeth Alumni Career Cluster Presentation
Enhancing Young Lives

2 About ISG

3 Presentation title Where we work 3

4 Who we are / Our values Presentation title
Relate ISG’s Values to behaviours the students would regularly use at school e.g. taking pride in their work, working collaboratively, thinking creatively etc 4

5 Presentation title What we do / Sectors 5

6 Waterloo Retail – Enhancing Young Lives Project Aim
Provide access to diverse ISG graduates, apprentices and other staff who present their career path to inspire and broaden horizons of students in Lambeth who otherwise would not have access to this opportunity Provide a pathway into supply chain apprenticeships being delivered by the programme Develop a Lambeth/ISG school partnership pathway into ISG’s Early Careers programme

7 Education Activities – Early Years
Ivor and Honor Goodsite Site Visits Ivor and Honor Goodsite School Visits Honor Goodsite Big Build Challenge ISG Head Office Visit – Where the grown ups go - Aldgate House

8 Education Activities – Year 6-10
Site Visits ISG Dream Smart Careers Talks Curriculum specific STEAM programme e.g. Secondary Engineers Design , Leadership Competitions e.g. Build Your App Competition, Design Your Dream Home

9 Education Activities – 16+
ISG Wowex ISG Dream Smart Careers Talks Curriculum specific STEAM programme Design , Leadership Competitions e.g. Build Your App Competition, Design Your Dream Home

10 Project Social Value Outline
Waterloo Retail, for London Continental Railways Start Date: 8th May 2019 End Date: 12th February 2021 Planned activities Number Educational Activities 8 events Work Experience 10 students Apprentices employed 20 people Job Created 1 person

11 Apprenticeships Apprenticeship breakdown
Waterloo Retail, for London Continental Railways Start Date: 8th May 2019 End Date: 12th February 2021 Apprenticeship breakdown Planned activities Number Period Structural 2 July 2019 Drylining MEP 10 Sept 2019 Nov 2019 Dec 2019 Jan 2020 Blockwork 1 Carpentry March 2020 Stone Floors July 2020 Lifts Ceilings Sept 2020

12 Next steps Obtain key dates in the schools calendar (careers fairs etc.) to allocate internally to ISG graduates, apprentices and more experienced staff. Establish key school/college contacts for: Work experience alerts Apprenticeship vacancy alerts Develop a Lambeth/ISG school partnership pathway into ISG’s Early Careers programme including Insight Days ISG Wowex Parent information days

13 Contact details Name Jillian Lilico Telephone 07855101356 Email

14 Find us on Social Media!

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