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IEP data.

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1 IEP data


3 Sacramento San Joaquin Chlorophyll, mg m-3 Station

4 Pseudodiaptomus forbesi
Egg Development Times (for estimating field growth rates) Eurytemora affinis (MH Nicolini) Pseudodiaptomus forbesi (Lindsay Sullivan)


6 Alison’s mean for LSZ bottle was about 2.1

7 Pseudo reproductive rate

8 P. forbesi molt rates Date Source Nauplii Cope 1-3 Cope 4-5 9/7/2010
LSZ 3 4 9/25/2010 FW 12 7 5 10/7/2010 9 2 8/23/2011

9 What caused the population of Pseudodiaptomus forbesi to decline in the low salinity zone?

10 Fluid Imaging Technologies, 2010
Photo: T. Ignoffo Photo: T. Ignoffo

11 Diatoms >15µm Cells/mL

12 P. forbesi Clearance Rates
Higher rates for larger cells mL cleared/copepod/day Diatoms Flagellates Diatoms Flagellates >15µm 7-15µm

13 L. tetraspina Clearance Rates
“Negative” rates for small cells mL cleared/copepod/day Diatoms Flagellates Diatoms Flagellates >15µm 7-15µm



16 Shape of the LSZ (S = 0.5 – 5)



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