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Specialized Mucosa of the Tongue

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Presentation on theme: "Specialized Mucosa of the Tongue"— Presentation transcript:

1 Specialized Mucosa of the Tongue
By Karen Haldemann RDH, BSDH This is the third and final classification of oral mucous membranes

2 Learning Objectives Identify the four types of lingual papillae, location, characteristics, and function Explain the function of a taste bud Describe how taste sensation is communicated to the brain Identify the Glands of von Ebner and location Explain the function of the Glands of von Ebner and how taste sensation is improved Review learning objectives for this topic

3 Lingual Papillae Lingual papillae, Miley loves to show hers off.

4 Lingual Papillae Specialized mucosa
Located on Lateral and dorsal surfaces of the tongue Small appendages of keratinized epithelium Lingual papillae…what are they and where are they found?

5 Four Types of Lingual Papillae
How many types of lingual papillae are there?

6 Four Types of Lingual Papillae
Filiform *Fungiform *Foliate *Circumvallate *These three are associated with taste sensation The four types of lingual papillae are not all associated with taste – only three of the four are

7 Taste Sensation Taste receptors stimulated upon contact with food
Taste cells and sensory neurons in taste buds receive messages from taste receptors What is taste sensation? How do we taste something?

8 Taste Sensation Sensory neurons send messages to central
nervous system tell brain to taste Brain identifies certain types of taste To tie in from a few weeks ago, sensory neurons send messages to the central nervous system. The CNS tells our brain to taste and specifically certain types of taste

9 Taste Bud - specialized epithelial cell
As we just learned, not all lingual papillae are associated with taste…so what exactly is a taste bud?

10 Filiform Papillae Most numerous of the lingual papillae
Location: Dorsal surface of the body of the tongue Scattered Identify four types of lingual papillae, location, characteristics, and function. Let’s start with filiform papillae location

11 Filiform Papillae Hair-like projections Look like Christmas trees
under magnification Velvety texture Characteristics of filiform papillae. Magnified image to show “Christmas tree” appearance

12 Filiform Papillae *NO TASTE BUDS* Function is mechanical
Guide food to back of pharynx for swallowing Function of filiform papillae

13 Fungiform Papillae Less numerous than filiform papillae
Location: dorsal surface of the body of the tongue Appear as small red dots Fungiform papillae location, characteristics

14 Fungiform Papillae What do fungiform papillae look like?

15 Fungiform Papillae Slightly raised Mushroom-shaped Functions is taste
Fungiform papillae characteristics. What one looks like under magnification

16 Fungiform and Filiform Papillae
Magnified image of fungiform and filiform papillae next to one another

17 Foliate Papillae Location: Most posterior part of the lateral surfaces of the tongue Appear as vertical ridges parallel to on another Location of Foliate papillae and characteristics

18 Foliate Papillae What healthy foliate papillae look like

19 Foliate Papillae Leaf-shaped Function is taste
Under magnification. What is the function of foliate papillae?

20 Circumvallate Papillae
Pronounced: serk – um – val – ate Located: Posterior part of dorsal surface of the tongue facing the pharynx Function is taste bitter Review circumvallate papillae pronunciation. Location and function

21 Circumvallate Papillae
Appear in a V-shaped row Very large Raised Mushroom-shaped Describe appearance of circumvallate papillae

22 Circumvallate Papillae
Remember this image from your VAS lessons during the first week of the semester?

23 Circumvallate Papillae
*Glands of von Ebner Located: bottom trenches of circumvallate papillae Minor salivary glands Secrete serous fluid Glands of von Ebner are special structures associated with circumvallate papillae. Location and function

24 Circumvallate Papillae
*Glands of von Ebner Serous fluid cleanses trenches of bitter substances after taste buds have been stimulated How taste sensation is improved from the Glands of von Ebner

25 Glands of von Ebner A. Circumvallate papilla B. Gland of von Ebner
C. Trench D. Taste bud Cross section, magnified Glands of von Ebner in anatomical relation to circumvallate papillae and taste bud

26 You Should Now Feel Confident to:
Identify the four types of lingual papillae, location, characteristics, and function Explain the function of a taste bud Describe how taste sensation is communicated to the brain Identify the Glands of von Ebner and location Explain the function of the Glands of von Ebner and how taste sensation is improved Review learning objectives for this topic

27 Resources Fehrenbach, M. J., & Popowics, T. (2015). Illustrated dental embryology, histology, and anatomy (4th ed.) Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders of Elsevier, Inc. ISBN: THE END

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