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Exposing Data Management Plans WG Update

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1 Exposing Data Management Plans WG Update
RDA Chairs Mtg June 26, 2019 Cologne These Slides:

2 When: Concluding at P15, Australia.
Who we are: Chair (s): Angus Whyte, Fiona Murphy, Natalie Meyers, Kathryn Unsworth, Marie-Christine Jacquemot-Perbal RDA Secretariat Liaison: Lynn Yarmey | RDA TAB Liaison: Francoise Genova RDA Web Page: When: Concluding at P15, Australia. Angus Whyte of Digital Curation Centre, Fiona Murphy of Murphy Mitchell Consulting Ltd, Kathryn Unsworth of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO), Marie-Christine Jacquemot-Perbal of Institute of Scientific and Technical Information(INIST) and Natalie Meyers of the University of Notre Dame.

3 Complementary Aims Related groups with complementary aims:
DMP Common Standards WG [Concluding in Helsinki] Chair (s): Tomasz Miksa, Paul Walk, Peter Neish | Secretariat Liaison: Lynn Yarmey | TAB Liaison: Wenbo Chu Active Data Management Plans IG [Reinvigorating in Helsinki] Chair (s): Kevin Ashley, John Chodacki, David Giaretta, Sarah Jones , Tomasz Miksa, | TAB Liaison: Jane Wyngaard Active, machine-actionable data management plans (DMPs) California Digital Library project funded by NSF EAGER AWARD #

4 What we’ve been up to: A needs assessment/survey to gauge user needs and motivations for exposing DMPs as well as perceived risks and undesirable impacts. These survey results from the WG contribute to a better understanding of expectations related to sharing and publishing the content of data management plans. Survey Instrument Data 571 Responses, 409 complete, 42 ~52% complete, 120 ~13% complete Piloted at P12, RDA Chairs Mtg then open for responses January 9 through March Initial visualization of survey results shared at P13 available at:


6 Why do you think it is important to share DMPs? (select all that apply)

7 NEG_IMPACT - What do you see as the potential negative impacts of exposing DMPs? (Select all that apply) BARRIERS - What conditions and guarantees should be considered when deciding to expose DMPs? (Select all that apply)

8 Join Us RDA Web Page: Us: These Slides:

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